What's Going On?

Sunday, January 15, 2012

"Papa, fix it!"

Well, we tried, we really did.  The binky has got to go, we know it is time, but convincing Jade of that is a different story. It seems lately that she is more attached to it than ever. It has always been her comfort thing, she never has had a special blanky or doll, she has always turned to her "beebee" as she calls it. 
We tried just going cold turkey and cutting it off, telling her it was broken, because she understands the concept now of broken. But, all she kept saying was, "Papa, fix it, fix it!"  After explaining to her a few times that it was broken she seemed okay and even helped us throw it in the trash.   But after a few hours of crying, we gave her another one. We were not ready to deal with the drama, we are trying to make too many changes at our house.  She just switched to sleeping in her big girl bed, we need to get Kiera sleeping through the night in the crib, not warming up her milk anymore, sharing our toys with little sister, and on and on.  So this was a battle we lost this time, but the time will come to say goodbye forever to the "beebee."


  1. I totally feel for you! We still warm up Brooklyn's milk and it makes me crazy! But I keep reminding myself that she will still grow up and be a functioning adult even if we warm it. Good luck and I say don't stress about it. :)

  2. I am worried for the day we take his "pass" away. Ryker only uses his at night but I am not ready for the fight, we have to many other things going on. Let me know how you end up doing it.
