What's Going On?

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

5 Years!!

I can hardly believe it has been 5 years since Ben and I were married! Somedays it seems like it was just yesterday and others it feels like we have known each other forever! I love being married to this wonderful man. He is such a great husband and father. He treats me well and makes me laugh, what more could I ask for? Thanks for 5 amazing years, Ben!

This year for our anniversary we went to Park City and stayed at the Grand Summit Hotel. It was a nice and can I say much needed getaway.

We hardly take pictures of just the 2 of us anymore..so here we are!

This was a view out of one of our windows, winter wonderland!

Ben decided to blow dry his hair outside next to this giant hair dryer!! Just kidding! This was one of their snow making machines, getting ready for ski season. I thought it was quite funny that they have to make more snow! But hey what do I know, maybe if I were a skier it would matter more.

A view of our hotel.

Another view of the Winter Wonderland, it was dead because we went the weekend before it all opened. I love having an anniversary in the off-season! Peace & Quiet!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Oh the Fun We Have...

We pulled out the tent this week and the girls absolutely loved it!

Just look at that face!

Watch out sister!

Kiera loves carrots!!! He He!

Like Father, Like Daughter! We noticed they had matching coats and had to get a picture before they went on their walk.

Love this baby girl! She is getting so big and now sitting on her own.

Starting young with the phone...with 2 girls our phone bill is going to be outrageous!

I wonder if this is a prelude of things to come, Jade is a great Mother to 2!!

Harry Potter moment...Jade is constantly putting on glasses and found these fun halloween ones! We are now fully in the dress up phase, she will find this hat and necklace no matter where I hide them!

Nifty Nifty Look Who's 50!

My Wonderful Mother turned 50 this month! We decided to throw her a surprise birthday party and I have to say I think we pulled off the surprise rather well. She never knew about it and we were able to spoil her! Here are some fun snapshots of the party!

Jadee Lady of course loved the cake and eating all the purple frosting, that's right, no cake just spoonful after spoonful of frosting until someone caught her!

Everyone had to help Grandma blow out the candles...

Manda did a fantastic job with the cake!

Coming in, we all hid and surprised her. Here is the birthday girl with her 50th princess crown.

A picture of some of the food, we had all Mom's favorites, Tony's pizza, Don Pedros, garlic bread, salad with Tony's vinegrette dressing, and lots of chocolate!

The decor turned out so cute, thanks Manda!

Of course the girls had to find a place to hide...

Jade's first encounter with Pop Rocks!! I think she liked them!

Birthday Girl!

Jade kept stealing the garlic bread, eating out the middle and then finding a place to hide the rest. I cannot even tell you how many half eaten pieces we found that night!

This is a shot of what we put in the newspaper that week!

More decorations...

Kiera bear had lots of fun with her Aunt Kae!

We had some fun feeding the ducks outside. My crazy brother even picked one up! The duck was not so happy with him!

Maddi and Jade--had so much fun chasing each other around...

My younger brothers, both taller than me, but the youngest just passed up his older brother!

My Mom's mom was able to come celebrate with us. Aren't they cute!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Happy Halloween 2011

We started off the Halloween season by letting Jade paint her pumpkin. Of course, I did not want to clean up a huge mess so we put her in the tub to paint. She thought it was great and then she got to take a bath afterward to get all the paint off of her! Thank you crayola for making washable paint!

The YM/YW were in charge of our ward halloween party this year and since I am in YW I had to help with it. Ben had to work so it was just me and the girls. Here we are in our lovely costumes! Me, the ever favorite fall back costume, the M&M! Jade was our little angel, and Kiera was a giraffe. So cute! I especially love this picture of Jade as she folds her arms, it is like she is saying, "go ahead, I dare you to make me smile!"
After the halloween party, Grandpa and Grandma stopped by for a quick visit. They got to see the girls in their costumes and Grandpa helped Jade decorate her princess potato head pumpkin.

Grandma with Kiera

This was hard work! Jade was a great helper as she watched and let Grandpa do all the work...

Grandpa and Jade showing off their pumpkin!

Jadee Lady and her first princess pumpkin!

This was also Jade's first year that we took her trick or treating door to door. It was quite the experience as Ben had to work so I ventured off with both girlies. But, I think Jade had fun and to my surprise she said trick or treat at every door and gave a big thank you too! She was not even scared by some of the decorations. She did get a bit tired though, what a trooper!


Jade angel with her 2 favorite pals, Spiderman and Woody. She has to have both of them with her everywhere, she even has them with her in her crib at night. What a good little mommy she is!

I had to include this picture as it was hilarious and this is Jade's first experience with an oreo, a halloween oreo to be exact. I think her face, delighted grin and crossed eyes show her excitement perfectly!

Our Happy little pumpkin. Kiera is all smiles! I love this age!