What's Going On?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter Weekend 2011

We started off Easter weekend by dying some Easter eggs with my sister. Both Kaeli and I wanted to dye eggs and make Easter sugar cookies like we used to when we were kids. But both of our husbands are not so much in to that stuff, so we just decided to do it together with the girls.

This was Jade's first time dying eggs so Kaeli and I did the dying and she colored some eggs with her crayons! It worked perfectly and she had fun.

When she was done coloring, she got this funny look on her face, looked at my sister and said "ball," then she preceded to throw the "ball" at Kaeli. Of course the egg cracked but it was perfect because then we showed her how to peel off the shell and eat it! You can see in the picture below that she was not so happy that her "ball" cracked!
Peeling the shell...
Eating the yummy egg.
She did not really care for the yolk, she spit it out and said yuck!

Jade soon tired of just coloring eggs so we got out her new Crayola Music Maker/Coloring Pad and she went to town coloring a nice Easter picture. As usual though she had to taste the crayons and ended up coloring her high chair a lovely shade of red as well!

On Easter Jade went on a little Easter egg hunt in our backyard. She did very well and putting all of the eggs in her basket until she realized by shaking the eggs that there was something inside of them. Once that happened and one fell open, she just wanted what was inside. We finally persuaded her to find the rest of her eggs.

Then it was off to Grandma and Grandpa Wilson's house to celebrate Easter with family. There are now 5 grandkids on that side but only 3 old enough to do an Easter egg hunt. So the adults hid the eggs and goodies and the three girls had a blast finding them!

Jade made sure to carry her basket just like the older girls. It was too funny though because it got so heavy and full of stuff that Jade kept falling over, poor girl!

Once she discovered the candy inside the eggs, she hurriedly shoved it all in at once...

We normally do not let her eat so much candy, but I guess today was a special occasion...

This is basically all Kiera did the whole day, sleep, sleep, sleeping Beauty.
Jade had to pause right in the middle of her egg hunting to go for a swing. She loves to swing!

Ben's sister had given him a giant jaw breaker sucker, he decided to share it with Jade....

Grandma Wilson had made German pretzels that we helped her eat and then we enjoyed a spiritual Easter thought by Sandy and Tommy, thanks guys it was amazing!

20 Months

In the midst of all the new "babyness" at our house, Jade is now 20 months old!! Crazy how fast time flies, I still cannot believe I am now the Mom of two little kids! Some days it is completely overwhelming and other days I feel like I can handle it.
So in celebration of Jade being 20 months old, I have come up with a list of 20 reasons why we love our Jadee Lady!

  • 1. She is the best hugs and kisses giver in the world.
  • 2. She can almost count to 3. We start by saying “one”, then she says “two,” and sometimes follows by saying “three.” She gets really excited and squeals “three” because most of the time it means something exciting is going to happen like going down a slide.
  • 3. She can now point to objects and name them. Today she saw me pick up my keys and she automatically said “car” without any prompts. She also knows where to look for things, like I say go find your coat, and she goes right to her room where we keep it, or we say brush your teeth and she goes right to the bathroom. She knows what things mean and it amazes me everyday!
  • 4. She has the best dance moves and singing voice. She calls music “me, me.” She loves to dance to any music she hears. She is mesmerized by the show “Dancing with the Stars.”

  • 5. She recently became a big sister and takes such great care of Kiera.
  • 6. She is Mommy’s best helper. She helps me unload the dishwasher, do the laundry, sweep the floor, and she is great at picking up her toys after she makes a mess.
  • 7. She loves to play outside on her slide, in her sandbox, and go for rides in her wagon.
  • 8. She is a pretty good eater and will eat most anything we give her. Some her favorites right now are pasta, strawberries, fruit snacks, and yogurt.
  • 9. She can put her shirt on all by herself, all we have to do is hold out the top and she puts her head and arms through! She is working on putting on her own socks and shoes.

  • 10. She can say so many words now that I lost count. Here are some: kitty, dog, eat, tub (for bath), toap (for soap), too (she says this when she wants to do what you are doing or when she wants you to pick her up), drink, milk, qua-qua (cracker, but you have to hear her say this, it sounds nothing like cracker, it actually sounds like a duck as she makes this sound from the back of her throat.When we heard her do this for the first time when she saw us eating a cracker, we about fell out of our chairs laughing), baby, siser (sister), tira (Kiera), side (outside), car, tuck (truck), cop (helicopter), Elmo, cook (cookie monster), la-la (what she says when she wants to watch Elmo’s World), bock (blocks), Pete (her lego friend), hi, hello, bye, kiss, huck (hug), ball, dunk, ewww, poo-poo (this means she needs her diaper changed), bed, be-be (her word for her binky), frog, pillow, coat, sing (swing), sit, hand, arm, toes, eyes, wa-wa (water), teeth (for brushing her teeth), mama, mom, dad, papa, snack, cheese, no, peas (please), amen, boat, poon (spoon), help, fork, rea (read) and more....
  • 11. She is addicted to watching Elmo’s World on Sesame Street. Her current favorite song is the theme from Elmo’s World. She does this tongue thing and basically mouths the words “la la la la” but no sound comes out, it is adorable.
  • 12. She goes to bed fairly well most nights without a protest. She will sleep from 8pm to about 7 or 8 am! I love reading with her and she snuggles up to me when I sing to her. This is my favorite time of the day with her because she actually sits still and will cuddle!
  • 13. She now has all four back molars and is working on some more! Pretty soon she will be able to chew food better and not just swallow everything we give her.
  • 14. She is really getting into pretend play with her dolls and stuffed animals. She puts Kiera’s newborn diapers on her dolly and wraps her up in Kiera's blankets.

15. She is finally getting enough hair to do something with. Funny thing is that it is becoming super curly! Guess she inherited my side of the family’s hair! We still have yet to give her the “first haircut.”
16. She follows Daddy everywhere and helps him with projects he does around the house. If Daddy is wearing a hat, then Jade has to find her hat too, if Daddy wears safety goggles, then Jade must have some on too!!!

17. She is putting two words together that make sense. You can see her thinking before she does something. She follows almost all of our commands well.

18. She is kind of starting to enter the “terrible two’s” but I think it was really spurred on by her new baby sister. Kiera needs a lot of attention right now and Jade is trying her best to understand, but we definitely have our not so good days.

19. She loves to play peek-a-boo. This has become quite the fun game for her and a favorite to play with Grandma Wilson.

20. She is a very unique and sweet little girl who gets along with most everyone. We love our Jadee Lady!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter Dresses and 2 week checkup

My mom got the girls the cutest Easter dresses so we had them do a little photo shoot. Thankfully Jade was pretty cooperative, but Kiera was not really so much into it.

The size difference still amazes me!
Jade is secretly thinking "Really, sister, what is going on?"

I just love the way Kiera is clinging to Jade. Sweet Sisters!

Today was also Kiera's 2 week doctor visit. I honestly cannot even believe she is 2 weeks old already. It seems like we waited forever for her to get her and now she is growing way too fast!
I am happy to report that she is a happy, healthy girl and growing like crazy.

Here are Kiera's stats:
Weight: 8lbs. 8 oz.
Height: 20.5 inches

I wonder what she is thinking in this photo...

She is truly our little Sleeping Beauty. She basically just eats and sleeps all day with a few moments of being awake throughout the day. I am crossing my fingers it stays this way, ha ha!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Big Helper

Jade has been such a big helper with her baby sister. Every time she sees her she shouts "baby" or keeps saying "hi" to her repeatedly. I have tried to explain that Kiera can't talk yet but Jade won't stop saying hi until she gets a little squawk or something out of her. Each morning when I get her up, she runs right to our room, to the bassinet, sticks her hands through the bars and says hi to her sister while giving her some "love taps"on the head. I think 2nd babies have to be made a little stronger to withstand all the "love" they get from older siblings!

Jade really has been great with her though, she gives her lots of kisses...

Helps Daddy hold her...

Runs around with the wipe box trying to hand it to me so I can change the "ewwww" as she points to the baby's diaper!

And she helps feed the baby by getting me the boppy pillow. It is rather stylish don't you think? She has to sit right next to me, I mean right next to me, there is no space between us, when I feed Kiera. It is cute to see how involved she wants to be.

Kiera Elaine Wilson is finally here!

It's official--we now have another girl at our house! Last Friday, April 8, 2011 our baby girl, Kiera was born. I was actually induced two days before my due date because our doctor was going to be out of town the entire next week. And after Jade's birth not being with my normal doctor I was not going to have that happen again! I was a little nervous about being induced but my body was ready and handled it well. Ben took this picture below because he was amazed I could sleep through those contractions (look at the monitor)! I guess with an epidural you can sleep through just about anything?? Anyway, they finally started me about 6pm and I had her at 10pm, so it was a very quick labor and all went well.

Two proud Grandmas...

Miss Kiera all washed and cleaned up. She was 7lbs. 15 oz. and 19 1/2 inches long.

Family Photo

I just love this shot with her eyes open!

The proud big sister...

We weren't sure how Jade would react to the baby because she is only 20 months old and doesn't really understand what is going on. But she did so well and was so excited to see and hold and kiss and poke her new baby sister.

Friday, April 1, 2011

First time down the slide...all by herself!

Jade finally figured out how to manuever her feet so that she could get up that last step and go down the slide all by herself! She has been able to climb up most of the stairs for a while now, but could not figure out that top step and then being able to sit down properly without her legs getting stuck. She is getting so big...where has all the time gone!!

I think this video says it all!! You can even hear her sweet little "hi" at the end.