What's Going On?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

20 Months

In the midst of all the new "babyness" at our house, Jade is now 20 months old!! Crazy how fast time flies, I still cannot believe I am now the Mom of two little kids! Some days it is completely overwhelming and other days I feel like I can handle it.
So in celebration of Jade being 20 months old, I have come up with a list of 20 reasons why we love our Jadee Lady!

  • 1. She is the best hugs and kisses giver in the world.
  • 2. She can almost count to 3. We start by saying “one”, then she says “two,” and sometimes follows by saying “three.” She gets really excited and squeals “three” because most of the time it means something exciting is going to happen like going down a slide.
  • 3. She can now point to objects and name them. Today she saw me pick up my keys and she automatically said “car” without any prompts. She also knows where to look for things, like I say go find your coat, and she goes right to her room where we keep it, or we say brush your teeth and she goes right to the bathroom. She knows what things mean and it amazes me everyday!
  • 4. She has the best dance moves and singing voice. She calls music “me, me.” She loves to dance to any music she hears. She is mesmerized by the show “Dancing with the Stars.”

  • 5. She recently became a big sister and takes such great care of Kiera.
  • 6. She is Mommy’s best helper. She helps me unload the dishwasher, do the laundry, sweep the floor, and she is great at picking up her toys after she makes a mess.
  • 7. She loves to play outside on her slide, in her sandbox, and go for rides in her wagon.
  • 8. She is a pretty good eater and will eat most anything we give her. Some her favorites right now are pasta, strawberries, fruit snacks, and yogurt.
  • 9. She can put her shirt on all by herself, all we have to do is hold out the top and she puts her head and arms through! She is working on putting on her own socks and shoes.

  • 10. She can say so many words now that I lost count. Here are some: kitty, dog, eat, tub (for bath), toap (for soap), too (she says this when she wants to do what you are doing or when she wants you to pick her up), drink, milk, qua-qua (cracker, but you have to hear her say this, it sounds nothing like cracker, it actually sounds like a duck as she makes this sound from the back of her throat.When we heard her do this for the first time when she saw us eating a cracker, we about fell out of our chairs laughing), baby, siser (sister), tira (Kiera), side (outside), car, tuck (truck), cop (helicopter), Elmo, cook (cookie monster), la-la (what she says when she wants to watch Elmo’s World), bock (blocks), Pete (her lego friend), hi, hello, bye, kiss, huck (hug), ball, dunk, ewww, poo-poo (this means she needs her diaper changed), bed, be-be (her word for her binky), frog, pillow, coat, sing (swing), sit, hand, arm, toes, eyes, wa-wa (water), teeth (for brushing her teeth), mama, mom, dad, papa, snack, cheese, no, peas (please), amen, boat, poon (spoon), help, fork, rea (read) and more....
  • 11. She is addicted to watching Elmo’s World on Sesame Street. Her current favorite song is the theme from Elmo’s World. She does this tongue thing and basically mouths the words “la la la la” but no sound comes out, it is adorable.
  • 12. She goes to bed fairly well most nights without a protest. She will sleep from 8pm to about 7 or 8 am! I love reading with her and she snuggles up to me when I sing to her. This is my favorite time of the day with her because she actually sits still and will cuddle!
  • 13. She now has all four back molars and is working on some more! Pretty soon she will be able to chew food better and not just swallow everything we give her.
  • 14. She is really getting into pretend play with her dolls and stuffed animals. She puts Kiera’s newborn diapers on her dolly and wraps her up in Kiera's blankets.

15. She is finally getting enough hair to do something with. Funny thing is that it is becoming super curly! Guess she inherited my side of the family’s hair! We still have yet to give her the “first haircut.”
16. She follows Daddy everywhere and helps him with projects he does around the house. If Daddy is wearing a hat, then Jade has to find her hat too, if Daddy wears safety goggles, then Jade must have some on too!!!

17. She is putting two words together that make sense. You can see her thinking before she does something. She follows almost all of our commands well.

18. She is kind of starting to enter the “terrible two’s” but I think it was really spurred on by her new baby sister. Kiera needs a lot of attention right now and Jade is trying her best to understand, but we definitely have our not so good days.

19. She loves to play peek-a-boo. This has become quite the fun game for her and a favorite to play with Grandma Wilson.

20. She is a very unique and sweet little girl who gets along with most everyone. We love our Jadee Lady!

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