What's Going On?

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Live Action Videos :)

Life at our house is never dull!  I wanted you to see first hand just how crazy fun it is!!! he he!

This video shows Kiera getting air blown in her face...she loves this!

This next video shows how much fun Kiera had with her balloons on her birthday. It was an all out crying fest when we took them away from her!

Friday, May 18, 2012

12 Months--365 Days--8,760 Hrs--525,600 Min--31,536,000 Seconds

KIERA IS ONE YEAR OLD!!!  It is hard to believe that one whole year has passed with this sweet girl in our lives!  She is happy, healthy and just like a little toddler should be...getting into everything!

She can crawl anywhere she wants to get to and walks around while balancing on furniture or her walker.  Two mobile children....the fun never ends!  One runs one direction and the other one runs the opposite way! 

I love that she has so much hair at this age.  I guess I should say, more hair than Jade did.  It is fun to fix her hair up all pretty.

She can be found making lots of fun faces and most often it is just these happy grins!  However, I think her favorite is her bear growl, she still growls alot and then she will look up at me and just smile!  I think she does it on purpose to get a reaction out of me.

Kiera 1 year old stats:

Height: 30 inches (75th)
Weight: 23 lbs. 4 oz (82nd)
Head: 48.2 cm (99th :)

She loves:
to eat pasta, frozen go-gurts, peas, carrots, bread, cheese, and anything with sugar in it!

to sleep in her pack and play with her pacifier, she will pull her blanket up to her face and cuddle with it. So cute!

 to play with her big sister. She follows her everywhere and has to do exactly what she does!

 to cuddle with Mommy and Daddy. She is very affectionate and wears her heart on her sleeve.

to make noise, any kind of noise!  She will find anything she can to bang together just to see what it will sound like! 

to dance!  This girl has got the best moves!

We had a fun birthday party with lots of family to celebrate her very special day! 
We love you Kiera Bear!
Because that has been her nickname since she was born, I thought it only fitting to make a bear cake (or two)!

 Love this face, she did not quite know what to think of all the attention directed at her!

She did not know what to do with her cake, she would keep looking at it, touching it, then pull her hand back.

She was not really digging into the bear cake...so we pulled out the little round one with the cream cheese frosting. Still not a big reaction or mess...but she did enjoy it! Just look at these faces!

Doesn't she look so cute in her tutu?!

This is what she really thought of it...

Time for presents!  She decided the best way to open them was the eat them first!  Poor girl has been getting so many teeth lately that she is always gnawing on something!

Loving her new rocking horse...

and walker...she was so happy to walk everywhere with this thing!

Big sister Jade had to eat the other bear cake...here she is contemplating the best method of attack!

Finally...a shot of some of the goodies. My sister made these yummy sugar cookies! Isn't she talented?!

As much as we all wanted some of that cake that Kiera destroyed...I figured we better have some chocolate peanut butter adult cupcakes!  These were absolutely amazing!

At the end of the day after everyone had gone home, Ben and I went back outside to find this sweet message to Kiera!  It truly was a very Happy Birthday for her!


Saturday, May 5, 2012

Easter Memories 2012

 It was the best day ever for little Miss Kiera!  Not only was it Easter but it was also her very 1st Birthday! I cannot even believe how fast this past year has flown by!  This is how happy she wakes up every morning!  Who wouldn't love to walk in and find this cute little face!

 A shot of the girl's Easter goodies before they woke up...

Kiera's favorite thing was the plastic Easter grass in her bucket! Just look at that face!

Love, love this shot how we caught her just throwing it out of the bucket.  She did this all day until we caught her eating it!  Silly girl!

Jadee loved her princess Barbie from Grandma and Grandpa.

New dress...such a pretty little girl! She is really growing up and changing so much each day.  She really is not a toddler anymore, but rather a little girl!

One of my favorite shots from today.  Jade loves her Papa!


Pretending to sleep with her new blanket that Grandma made for her. She loves this blanket and if anyone else touches it...watch out!

Jade got some new dishes and had to set her table and eat right away!  Notice her food of choice on her plate...M&Ms!

Kiera's other favorite toy of the toy besides her Easter grass, was this lovely box that Jade's dishes came in.  Seriously, I am not sure why people even buy toys, because boxes and grass work like a charm!

New Easter outfit from Grandma and Grandpa. The shirt has a giraffe on it and says "High Maintenance!"  I loved this because that is what Jade is for sure!

Enjoying an Easter Egg Hunt in the backyard...

Silly Sisters...these two are finally starting to play more together and it is so fun to see how each of their faces just lights up when they see the other one.  

Pretty Birthday girl!

More silliness...

Our final event of the day was to dye some eggs. Jade was so into it this year and had to hold the spoon for each egg while it was in the color.  

She could barely wait until they were dry so she could "cack" one open and eat it. Everytime I get eggs out now, no matter that they are raw, she thinks she gets to crack them open!  

My other favorite shot of the day...Kiera and her Papa.  Such a tender moment, such a good Daddy!
 Even when she eats his hat!!!
It was a great day that we got to spend as just our little family.  Quiet and peaceful and we reflected on the true meaning of Easter.  Love days like these!