What's Going On?

Thursday, January 26, 2012

"I'm sista, Mama, I'm sista!"

 Look at that look of utter glee on Jade's face!  She is so stinkin' smart these days.  She figured out something new...we have been feeding Kiera her little snacks (puffy cheeto things, small pieces cereal, yogurt melts, etc) and we would always specify that they were sister's treats.  Well, one day she was sitting at the table while Kiera was eating her snacks and all of a sudden she turns to me and says "Mama, I'm sista, I'm sista Mama!"  And points to herself, very pleased. I guess in her mind she thought "well I am a sister too, so I can eat the cheeto things too!"  What a smart little girl! 
 So...of course I had to give her one (or a few) because technically she was right!  We have since started calling them Kiera's snacks! 
What a happy little cheeto eater!

1 comment:

  1. Akoy has starting liking the stars again. He carries a thing around all the time and eats them. They just like what they can't have. I can't believe how big Kiera is getting!
