What's Going On?

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Kiera 9 months!

 Our baby girl is 9 months old!  It seems like with this second child, time is just flying by and we are lost trying to keep up with our two kiddos.  Kiera has been growing and progressing so fast over the past month and it has been fun to see her get a personality all of her own!
Her trademark smile makes me so happy and makes all the cares in the world just melt away! She loves to laugh!

She loves to clap and clasp her hands together. She can now wave (with some prompting and help) but she will usually get her hand up there when we say bye-bye.

This is her other trademark face, she just stares, taking it all in I guess!  Or thinking, oh boy my sister is crazy! She babbles all day long and says: ma ma ma, da da da, and other consonants but hey those are the most important right!  I can almost say for certain that I have heard her say "Jade" in there too! 

She now rolls from front to back and back to front and all over the floor! I can now no longer leave her alone anywhere, she can get to anything!  Now the fun really begins, with 2 mobile children to chase! She also does this scooting thing where she will push herself up on her hands while on her belly and scoot backwards.  Has not mastered going forward yet or getting her knees up under her, but she is well on her way!

Eats most table foods now and loves her big rice crackers!  She can devour these and her teething biscuits in 30 seconds flat! No teeth yet, I am sure they are coming though because we have sleepless nights and very onry days when nothing will soothe her but biting on stuff. She loves to eat and has mastered her pincer grasp to put small food and (objects) in her mouth.  Her favorite objects are the toys Jade so kindly leaves out for her!

Still loves her bouncer.  I know this pic looks kind of weird but it illustrates our point that she observes everything!  She just stares up at our coats and bounces away. Maybe it is fun?!

 Kiera's 9 month stats:

Height: 28 1/4 inches. (70th)
Weight: 20 lbs. 7 oz (75th)
Head: 46 1/2 cm (96th)--she is going to be one smart cookie!

The doctor was a little worried about her weight and height, said my milk was probably not sufficient for her anymore. So he said to go ahead with table foods and supplement with formula if needed.  I think the real problem is that she is such a silly eater, she will latch on for about 10 seconds then quit, then repeat that cycle until we are both so frustrated!  I am sure she is not getting enough milk, but hopefully her distractedness will settle down soon so she can gain some weight!  


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