What's Going On?

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Mommy & Jadee Rainy Day Fun

One rainy day last week I was trying to figure out what to do with Jade because we had been cooped up in the house all day. So what is better than getting out the tent, filling it full of pillows and blankets, making some popcorn and sticking in a good movie?? Not much better! It was so fun to just spend some quality time with Jade. She absolutely loved being inside the tent and eating her "corn" as she calls it. It was cute as she cuddled up next to me to watch the movie. We only made it about 10 minutes into the movie before she started wiggling and her attention was gone, but we sure had fun playing in the tent!

Jadee helping to make her "corn." Don't worry the stove is not even on, this was staged just for a picture!

Look at that face!! She cannot believe this big bowl of corn is hers!

OOH, yummy!

Diving in the tent...

This black eye, her second one to date, was a result of her jumping in to the tent without looking. I happened to be holding her magna doodle and did not see her jump at me. She smacked her eye squarely on the corner of the magna doodle and the result was an instantaneous purple bump under her eye. I knew immediately that it was going to be a bad one. We tried to put ice on it but she had more fun just playing with the ice pack.

Here is her black eye the day it happened...

A few hours later we were playing with the letter O and you can see her eye getting worse.

This was taken about two days after, the bruise looks awful but the swelling has gone down. We also took this pic to show you all of her hair! You don't really know how much she has until it poofs out like this!

Look at that hair!!

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