What's Going On?

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Kiera's Birthday Party

I love having a child born in April, it is a time of rebirth, spring and hopefully good weather!  Well, every year we are on the edge of our seats the night before Kiera's birthday party as we anticipate what the weather will bring!  Last year our family was huddled in our backyard with their coats on so we decided with the threat of rain and high winds this year, we would move it to Grandpa and Grandma Wilson's house.  Thanks you two!  We thought we could do it in their backyard and then move inside if the weather got nasty...so just as we got everything set up outside...the winds picked up and started to blow everything away.  We quickly moved the party inside...but little Miss Kiera was having way too much fun on the slide and running around keeping Grandpa busy! She was so sad when we made her come in. But what is a party without the birthday girl?!

Here she is running into the kitchen after stealing a gift off of the living room table! She was so excited to open it and kept saying, "pesent, pesent, mine!"

So I caved and let her open one early...thanks for the flashlight Grandma!  She loves lights!

Loves them so much she was not going to share with her cousin Aedan. These two play well together as they are about the same size. :) Kiera calls him Aidee.

Lots of fun opening presents...this year she ripped off tiny pieces of the paper and then handed each one to me.  It took a while to open her gifts, but she was so excited for each one.  Thanks wonderful family!

Of course we had some yummy treats too!  Here we found Uncle Tommy and Uncle Cole munching away!

I could not really decide on a theme for her party because she likes so many things right now. So I decided to make a few of her favorite things.  She is super attached to her stuffed polar bear..the one we got a year ago from the zoo that now looks more like a drowned rat!  But, he is her favorite...so we made the cupcakes to look like her "B," as she affectionately calls him. She is also obsessed with making popcorn, so we made 2 different kinds, caramel and strawberry jello.  She loved both and kept sneaking it the whole night!

At first she would not eat her cupcake because it looked like her B, she kept gently touching and talking to it.

After some nudging she took a tiny, careful bite...

And then figured, what the heck!  She dug right in and devoured the whole thing!

She then set to work on eating some of her favorite things. She made her own plate...

And was so proud of herself...what a big girl! Sorry for no shirt, but it was quite messy after the cupcake!

Daddy, Mommy and the Birthday Girl

We are very blessed to have lots of family around and they always make a special effort to be with us.  I am so grateful my kids will know their grandparents and great grandparents!

Kiera with Great Grandpa and Grandma Watson

Kiera with Great Grandpa and Grandma Revelli

Grandma Revelli and Aunt Kae

Couldn't pass up this one...Uncle Troy always doing something goofy for the camera!

Uncle Troy, Daddy, and Grandpa Wilson

Cousin Lena & Nicole

Many others were there too, but I guess we missed getting pictures.  Ben was in charge this time as I was busy chasing Kiera around. :)  Kiera had a wonderful birthday and got to be the Queen for a day.  She absolutely loved it!  

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