What's Going On?

Monday, February 3, 2014


At the Zoo with Grandma Revelli... Kiera loved the monkey who kept staring at her! Love that cheesy grin!

Posing on the big Gorilla.  Kiera has become quite the poser and she could not stop smiling at the camera that day!

Jade on the Gorilla, pretty girl!

How do we measure up to the gorillas?

Kiera thought it was hilarious that she could stick her hand up the elephant's nose!

Loving that ice cream...I am loving those faces!

The zoo has this new water park area and the girls got lost in there for awhile.  Kiera would lean over the fountains and then act all surprised when the water came up and squirted her!

This is how we started out on the big carousel, both girls begged to ride it...

If you can't tell Kiera is not liking it so much...

And Jade ended up getting off her animal to sit on the safe bench, she said she was too scared.

Giraffes were the favorite animal of the day.

Special memories with Grandma...

Finally home, all tuckered out and snuggled up with her new pink giraffe that she picked out. Thanks for a fun day Grandma!

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