What's Going On?

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Kids say the best things...

I was having a particularly bad day, feeling like I could not remember everything I needed to do for work and my family.  It was one of those bad Mom days and I was stressed to the max.  My brain was not working properly and as I was fixing my smoothie that morning, I forgot that you had to keep the lid on if you wanted to use the damper to push the fruit down toward the blade. Apparently this keeps it from being pushed into the blade and being destroyed.  Well, like I said in my state of mind this day and hurry to get things done, I found that my smoothie was not blending properly. So I removed the lid and stuck the damper down to push the fruit.  No sooner did I realize my mistake when I felt the damper being ground to bits.  I hurriedly pulled it out and this is what happened...

I remember shrieking and exclaiming "oh, no!"  Well, Jade being the loving, compassionate soul that she is immediately asked what was wrong.  I tried explaining to her, but just said something like "Mommy's brain is not working today, it's broken."  To which she promptly ran over to me, gave me a big hug and said "It's okay Mommy, I will fix it."  She then touched my head and declared that my brain was all better!  
Oh how I love these little ones with their word of wisdom beyond their years.  If only I could remember to be more like them, life would be alot simpler!

My silly girls showing off their floss and declaring how very cool they were that they could get their floss to hang between their 2 front teeth!

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