What's Going On?

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Last week of summer fun...

This was my last week home all day with my baby girl before I went back to work. Yucky! So we lived it up and had lots of fun together. Enjoy some of our random fun moments!

Jade has recently started playing peek-a-boo on her own, she will cover up one eye or both, or her ears, or just a random spot on her face or head whenever we say "peek" or "where's Jade?" Sometimes she just does it whenever she wants. She loves this new game!

I finally got a good shot of her top teeth, she now has 4 total!

Happy girl, couldn't resist this shot...

Another game of peek-a-boo, where's Jade? She loves putting buckets and things on her head and then she laughs like crazy!

Daddy and Uncle Cole with their matching plaid shorts. I thought this was a fun picture because the boys matched!

My brother Cole visited us for a few days this week and he thought it was so hilarious to stick Jade's bath letters all over her body...

She had lots of fun this week playing with all of her new toys that she got for her birthday!

She had an absolute blast crawling through this tunnel and into her play tent. She gets lots of exercise going back and forth, laughing all the way!

"Is this the right shape mommy?"

Jade has recently started blinking on purpose. She will watch Ben or I and then copy us while blinking her eyes lots. This is not that great of a picture but you get the idea. It is fun to watch her discover how things work.

Good Morning Beautiful! This is what I get to wake up to each morning, I love going in to get her because she is so happy to see me. (probably more happy that I feed her milk, but hey it still makes me feel great!)

Jadee figured out that if she dropped her pacifier down through the holes on the cupcake holder it would go all the way through and she could pick it up at the bottom. It was fun to watch her learn as she experimented with this. She learns so much every day!

1 comment:

  1. She has so many fun toys!! Looks like you guys had fun! Enjoy teaching computers :)
