What's Going On?

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Love these girls!

 I am reminded on a daily basis how sweet and truly innocent little children are.  They do not hold grudges, they forgive in an instant, and saying "I'm sorry" and a hug/kiss makes ANYTHING better.
I am blessed to be able to stay home with my two girls and some days I forget this.  I have been reflecting alot lately on why I do not feel thrilled, am drained of my energy, and just feel at my wits end most days.  I am constantly chasing kids, cooking, making them eat (sometimes sitting at the table for hours), changing diapers or accidents, doing endless loads of laundry.  I am trying to do my best but it never feels good enough and most days I am not sure if what I am teaching them is getting through, because they do the naughty thing again in a few minutes or seem not to listen.
BUT...then I have moments when I do see they are learning and listening to me.  I get sweet hugs and kisses from Jade and a whispered, "I love you."  Once when I was so upset and probably yelling more than I should have been, she just simply came up to me, stood in front of me and said, "Mama, I love you."  How can you be mad at that?  
I get a rare snuggle with Kiera when she needs comfort or a laugh of pure joy when she is doing something she enjoys.  
I am trying to stop more and be like a little child and enjoy the little things.  The other day we were at the mall playground and Jade reminded me of how meek and innocent little kids are.  She is good at making a little friend wherever we go because she is so chatty or just follows the other kids around until they let her play.  But that day, she decided to go up to a random stranger and grab her hand and just start chatting to her. I of course was alarmed at how trusting she is of complete strangers.  I explained to her that we do not do this.  She did not understand and it made me think what has become of our world.  How scary it is and you never know who the crazy ones are or who will hurt you.  We as adults are always skeptical and wondering about others.  Jade showed me how little children are so trusting and loving just like the Savior.  No wonder he wants us to become as little children.  How wonderful would our world be if we were more like Jade was this day.  It made me think, when does the change happen in us, when do we become so untrusting of others and in a way a selfish?  Ben had a good thought, it happens that first time someone is mean to us or loses our trust.  I am so grateful for these moments that I have with my children and for the ways they teach me to be more Christlike.  I hope I can learn all I need to from them--I used to think that because I was an adult and now that I am old, been through college, had a job, got married and started a family I knew alot.  However, I am learning I did not really know much at all. 

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