What's Going On?

Thursday, July 5, 2012

St. George--Part Two

Since it was over 100 degrees most of the days we were in St. George, we sure got lots of swimming in! The girls did not complain at all, they love the water! 
Kiera could not get enough of it--she kept walking along the edges and then up and down the stairs, getting in and out!

Jade sporting her new goggles--isn't she adorable?!  Oh and don't mind my horrible farmer's tan--oh boy, guess who never sees the sun??

We went to this really fancy restaurant for my actual birthday dinner. It had a western type atmosphere and smelled of the most delicious BBQ!  The girls had a lot of fun eating out and Kiera became an expert at drinking through a straw--prior to this trip she had no idea how to do it!  I just love her cheesy smile, she is quite a ham!

I think all Jade ate that night was a bowl full of ranch and ketchup.  She sure liked it!

Kiera loved using a big fork too!  She would scream and cry each time we took the silverware away from her.  She loved trying to get things off her plate with her fork and spoon.  She is such a great little eater (when she is not getting 4 teeth at a time)!

Mom, Ben and I went to Tuachan to see Aladdin one night.  Cole was such a good brother and watched the girls while we went. My Mom loves the Hairspray movie and that was the other show they were doing down there, so we had to pause for a quick picture!

Jasmine and Aladdin--don't we look the part?!

Just before the show started...we got great seats, pretty close on the side of the stage. 

They was even a 3D part of the show so they gave us all these awesome glasses!

My favorite part was the flying carpet scene.  It was cool too because after that scene was over, they parked the carpet right above our seats.  Do you know how tempted I was to jump up on it and go for a ride?! I had to settle for this picture instead...

All 3 of us...ahh we could have been the stars! 

Ok..so no these are not my kids...just some totally random ones!  But we really wanted a picture of the main characters from the play...and did not want to wait in that really long line.  So we shot a pic over the crowd. The genie was my favorite and so funny--I think it is so hard to live up to what Robin Williams did in the original movie..but he did a pretty good job!

Ben and I love to hike so we snuck away one morning and hiked this dormant volcano just outside of Snow Canyon State Park.  It was labeled "difficult" in the park map but we were excited to get to see the crater on the top.  We started out following the well marked trail, but when it started going around the mountain and became flat....we decided it would take way too long to get to the top---so we took a "shortcut" straight up volcanic rock. It looked like a good way and was traveled before...

But I was soon wishing that we had stuck to the trail. The sides of this mountain are pure lava rock, which is so light because of all the air holes that it slides super easy.

Well...we finally made it to the top and it was pretty spectacular.  Here is Ben standing in front of the huge crater. It was crazy to think that we were standing on top of a once active volcano!

I had to give a little cheer because I honestly thought I was not going to make it to the top!   
Just a cool view of the petrified lava rock...

A view from the top...had to prove we did it!

Had to get  this shot below...Jade loved laying in our room at the condo watching her "shows." She discovered the joy of the Disney Jr. channel.

We had to get a shot of this most random yard art!  Every day we drove past this house multiple times and laughed so hard.  Not sure what the statues were made out of, but they were definitely odd and the whole yard was full of them.  My favorite was the white bird eating the frog and the frog in turn is choking the bird! 

Sweet babe...so tired from all the traveling...but we were so happy with how well she did in the car!

Our final stop on our trip was the Johnson Farm Dinosaur Museum.  Jade loved following the dinosaur tracks around the room.

Goodbye St. George!  We had so much fun and it was hard to go back to real life. 

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