What's Going On?

Monday, January 10, 2011

Sweet Moments...

Yesterday was a sweet day with Jadee. She loves it when both Ben and I are home together and in the same room. Last night as we were about to put her to bed, Ben was sitting in the middle of her bedroom floor playing on his tin whistle and Jade just kept running around and around in circles around him. It was the funniest thing I have seen her do. She would go slow when she got behind him and then as soon as she got in front she would look up at him really sneaky like and then speed past him. She must have run 100+ circles around him. Eventually I think she got pretty dizzy because she started to stumble more and more! A few times Ben would look at her or just put his head up and she would laugh hysterically and keep running. It certainly was priceless watching this little girl try to get her Daddy's attention.

Another sweet moment with Jade is when she is trying to get your attention she will just say "hi" right in your face and she will not stop until you say hi back or acknowledge her in some way. Her little voice is so sweet and irresistible! I think this little girl has us wrapped around her finger.

And finally, whenever Ben or I come home or pick Jade up from the babysitter, we are always greeted with a little chuckle and great big smile. That makes everything worth it to see this! When Jade has been gone all day and we finally get home and she walks through our front door, she also lets out a little giggle and goes straight for her little play kitchen. She recognizes her home!

1 comment:

  1. Jon got so dizzy doing that once he ran straight into the wall. It must be a Revelli trait.
