We are training Jade young, she is an expert at doing the laundry. It is so cute to see her put the wet clothes from the washer into the dryer. We are still working on folding (instead of unfolding!) all the clothes!!

This past saturday was also our niece's birthdays. They had a double party with just the Wilson families. Here Jade is getting some exercise. She did not know what to think of it, at first she would just climb up and stand on it. Then after Daddy showed her what to do, she would kind of bend her knees and bounce just a bit.

She then discovered the doggy door for Heidi and Michael's dog. She kept sticking her fingers and arms through, we kept expecting her to go through herself but she never did!

As she wandered around the house exploring everything, she found aunt Heidi's shoes and had to show Aiden how they worked. She was even trying to put them on his feet.
The girls got a popcorn bowl and sure enough, Jade put it right on her head and walked around calling it her hat!
We thought it would be funny to stick Jade in this giant gift bag that the girls got. She did not last long but that was one huge bag!

Taking a whack at the pinata, actually she just ran away with the stick!

She loved the yummy cupcakes! Licked all the frosting off and left the cake!
And finally, Daddy had to give her some hot sauce just to show his family how much Jade likes it! Even Ben said it was super hot but she gulped it right down and kept asking for more!

She is such a salsa girl! Her eyes did not even water, nor did she complain!

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