There have been several days these past few weeks that have been warm enough so that we could enjoy the great outdoors. Jade just loves being outside, running around, exploring, and much more. Here are some shots of what she does....
Being that I am super pregnant, I have to sit in a chair while she is outside. She decided that she should sit in my chair and eat her snack. She is getting so big and can now climb up on chairs by herself. It is actually quite hilarious to watch because if she can't swing her leg to get up there, she just pulls herself up on her belly using her arms to pull all her weight up. Once she gets most of the way up she pulls her legs under her, turns around, and sits up just as big as can be!

She loves to play in the dirt and rocks and then she comes to show me her hands and say "ewwww!" It is hilarious!
Ben bought this new pink swing for Jade. It is bigger than her old one so she should be able to swing in it a little longer. She absolutely loves to swing and now that we have the fence up, her toes kind of hit it a little bit when she goes forward. She thinks that is the funniest thing and just laughs and laughs. She also likes being so high that she can see into the neighbors yard!

Jade's Grandma & Grandpa Wilson gave her a wagon for Christmas and we have been waiting for nice weather to put it together. Finally it came and Ben built it. She absolutely loves to sit and ride in it. She can climb in and out by herself and has learned to count to 3, so we will say 1 and then she says 2 and we both say 3 together. Then she laughs and giggles especially when we pull her fast! Enjoy the video too!

Jade is becoming quite the basketball star, he he!! She loves to put all kinds of balls through her hoop. This was particularly funny because that soccer ball is quite heavy but she managed to dunk it. Watch the video to see how excited she is!

Watch me dunk it!
Since Ben loves to play soccer, he has also started to teach Jade early. He set up his soccer goals and then they chase each other and the ball around the yard trying to "kick" it into the net. Jade likes to play with the net and sometimes gets stuck in the holes, silly girl!
I love love love this picture, she is listening so intently to her Daddy!
She is getting so big. I can't believe how much she has changed in the last month since we saw her last. Good look over the next couple of weeks. We wish you could come to Marly's blessing, but I am thinking you will have a little blessing of your own to worry about. Have fun.