Yep, it's official we now have an 18 month old running around our house. Jade is getting so grown up and not just physically, but mentally as well. It seems like each day she says a new word or does something new. In this update I decided to just include a few of her favorite things....

Stacking cans (or anything that will stack) is her favorite thing to do. She would probably spend hours doing it if we let her. She will stack them all, clap for herself, take it apart and start all over again.

She even helps me clean up and put all the cans back after she is done.

Jade loves to dress up in big people clothes and shoes. We went up to a cabin with some friends recently and she decided to put our friend's shoes on. It was hilarious watching her walk around, she actually did pretty well considering their size!

She loves to try new or fun foods and Daddy helps out with that! Here she is discovering the fun of canned whip cream!
Jade's favorite toy right now is her megablocks. She loves to build tall towers with Daddy (actually I think Daddy builds them and she rips them down)!

In between building towers she likes to take breaks and relax in her wagon.
Jade is learning what "smile" means. This is usually the face we get when we ask her to smile.

Height: 34 1/2 inches (98th percentile)
Weight: 28 lbs. (90th percentile)
She has 4 new teeth, yes all of her molars decided to make their appearance together. It's been fun!
She can put her own arms through her sleeves on her shirts.
She is no longer afraid to go down slides all by herself. It is so cute because she sits down at the top and pushes off and says "weee" all the way down, then laughs when she gets to the bottom.
Food/eating: Jade has become quite the picky eater but only when it comes to what I feed her. She will eat anything that Daddy gives her, silly girl. She is definitely his daughter though because she loves spicy/hot foods like Spicy Nacho Doritos, Flamin' Hot Cheetos, salsa right out of the packet, chipotle cheddar chex mix, and many more fun treats!
She is now down to only 1 maybe 2 bottles of milk a day, one in the morning when she wakes up and sometimes one at night before bed. The rest of the day she does great sipping milk, water, or juice from her cup.
She does not like to eat bread but will pull it apart to eat the insides!
Talking: She has been saying lots of new words daily and as we get her ready or do things with her we like to talk about what it is. She will repeat most every word we say. She has some trouble with the "S" sound though, she usually just skips it and for example will say "no" for snow or "ocks" for socks.
Some of her favorite words right now are: uh-oh, no, eat, up, side (for outside), pete (this is the name of her little lego guy), mom, dad, and basically anything we try to teach her, she is quite the imitator.
We recently taught her "hot" and now everything we feed her is hot so she has to blow on it before she will eat it. So I thought it would be good to teach her "cold" as well. Now everything is "col" as she says it! But she is so smart about it, just today she put her hand on the tile and said "hot," I said no it's cold and she so she went around the kitchen putting her hand on the floor, the fridge, and the window and said "col."
Most days she just jabbers away in a language only she can understand, but it is so cute to listen to her carry on a conversation. She definitely has a lot to say!
Temper: The tantrums have begun and if she does not get what she wants she will throw herself onto the floor and lay there whimpering. I have tried using one minute time outs with her, but she just screams in her room until we go and get her. Then she is pretty much inconsolable for about 10 minutes afterward. Any ideas?????? She is still in her whiny when mommy is home and angel for daddy phase, my friends say this is normal but I don't like it! We try to be fair and do things the same but for some reason she likes to cry alot more when I am around. Hopefully just a phase that will get better, especially with a new baby coming soon!
Toys/Playing: Her megablock legos are her favorite right now. She has progressed from building only with the ones, to the twos, and now she will stack even the big fours together. She has a little person in the set that we named Pete (because she could say it and it sounds so cute!) and she carries him around and puts him in his car and tower that she builds.
Sleeping: Jade goes to bed between 7:30 and 8pm each night and wakes up at about 7 or 8am. Most days she is great about this, but lately she has been crying out at night just for a few minutes. I think this is due to the 3 new molars that all coming in at the same time! Poor girl! She has recently started taking longer afternoon naps which is great because she seems to be a lot happier when she gets a 2-3 hour nap versus the 1 to 1/2 she used to take! I love it sometimes when I go in in the morning to wake her up because I have to go to work, I call her name and she rolls over and gives a little moan and won't get up. Too early for teenage sleeping habits?????
I think we need to have Jade come for a visit, she can teach Sarah how to talk. :)
ReplyDeleteShe looks so grown up! Holy smokes! As far as temper tantrums go, Akoy is going through the same thing. I saw this book/dvd featured on Babysteals, it's called Happiest Toddler on the Block. It was a bit pricey from their website but luckily our local library had them! Its really weird, but I think it's helping. Basically you talk to them so they can understand you with a lot of repetition. Caveman talk as they call it.
ReplyDeleteFor example, Akoy wants to get the dvd's out. He starts crying, and I say, you want, you want, you want, you want (all in a whinny voice-quite embarrassing) but you cant, you cant you cant. Lets go do this... It has seemed to help a bit. Thats probably really confusing. But check out your library to see if they have it. They also have the Happiest Baby on the Block for newborns. I liked both movies.