It has been so bitterly cold here lately that it is not possible to play outside. So we have been going stir crazy in our little house. There is only so much I can do to keep her entertained, we switch between playing in the living room, her room and the kitchen. I could tell Jade was getting a little bored of being inside all the time and I was going absolutely insane! So what better cure for boredom than a trip to the mall. We loaded up and had quite the adventure. She gets so excited to go outside and will hold her hands out for me to put her coat on whenever we open the front door. She loved being able to ride in her stroller again and was so content just riding around looking at things. We even found the cutest winter hat for only $2!

Soon though it was time for a pretzel stop, this has become a regular stop for us whenever we go to the mall. Jade absolutely loves the soft pretzels they sell there! You can see her chowing down below!
After a bit of shopping, Jade got super restless so we found this really cool playground in one end of the mall. I never knew it existed, it is in a corner of the mall I never go to. But I was quite impressed with it, maybe because it was better than being trapped in the house, but hey it was very entertaining for Jade and that is what we needed!
Jade had fun climbing, her newest fettish!

As you can tell by her face, she was amazed at the lights in the rock structure. She kept talking into them and trying to get the lights.
She loved crawling in, on, and around this dinosaur.
Oh, my do we have a water lover on our hands! When she saw this little fountain, she ran so fast that I could not keep up with her. Before I even got to her she had splashed a few times and got her shirt, face and arms soaking wet! Then she proceeded to lick the water like a kitty! She does this in the bath, but I really need to work on teaching her she can't do it with every pool of water. I am just hoping there was no bacteria or fungus growing in there, yuck!
She loved climbing up the slide and then going down it on her belly. She eventually got brave enough and I sent her down on her bottom a few times.

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