Last weekend was a big event, as the much anticipated and heavily prepared for wedding of my little sister took place. It was a beautiful, COLD, winter day as they were married in the Draper, Utah Temple. We were grateful that the weather held as we took pictures, but as soon as we were done, it began to rain and hail again! Below are some pics from the reception...
This is what Jade loved to do the entire time, run around and play peek-a-boo amidst all the decorations.

The bride and groom, and a curious onlooker (notice Jade in this pic and the next, she just kept staring at Aunt Kaeli in her pretty white dress)!

Of course, she loved, LOVED the chocolate fountain and Daddy fed her well!
Oh yes, and as well as eating chocolate covered strawberries, she also enjoyed the taste of the wooden doorstops! She ran around most of the night with that thing hanging out of her mouth or in her hand.
This is the best pic we got of the two grandkids together.
I just had to get a picture of the cake. It was so beautiful and I loved the intricate little snowflakes on the sides.
In this video, you can see Kaeli's new husband, Troy, has some wicked dance moves!
And in this one, you can see how much Jade enjoyed the wedding festivities! She had such a fetish with her dress. She had never worn anything like this before with all the fluffy material on the sleeves and bottom and so she made a point to show everyone! I even heard that while I was in the temple helping Kaeli get ready to come out, Jade was walking around the waiting room holding her arms out in front of her (like Frankenstein) and making everyone feel her fluff! She is such a cute and funny little girl! We sure love her!
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