With the holidays and all the busyness we have had this month, I am finally getting around to posting about Jade's 16 month updates.
Jade is finally starting to get more hair. I try to put things in it but that only lasts about a minute before she rips it right out!
She loves balls, throwing them, kicking them, and dunking them in her basketball hoop that daddy got her.

We tried to teach her to color and she did really good at first...
But, it didn't last because she soon started to eat them again. We will keep trying for this milestone!
She likes to be in the middle of everything and is very helpful as you can see below! She has to be in whatever room I am in. She loves being given a job to do and listens to most commands.
She loves to help me cook dinner.
This is her new smile...we don't really know where she picked it up from but when we tell her to smile, this is what we get!
Jade can stack cans now. One day we came home from the grocery store and as I was putting away the other groceries I had left this sack of cans on the floor. She quickly found them and immediately started stacking. This was the first time I had seen her do something like this. This kid amazes me, she is so smart!
Look at that fierce concentration!
Ta Da! Look what I can do! She was so excited she actually started to clap after she was done!
She is growing up way too fast and is so much fun to be around. She does not really have stranger danger yet and will go to most anyone as long as she is not tired! She has recently learned how to give hugs and kisses and we are eating it up! She is such a sweet girl and minds rather well. She still sleeps well from 8pm--8am most days with one afternoon nap anywhere from an hour and a half to two hours.
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