What's Going On?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Fall Leaves and Winter Snow

In Utah we get used to one thing, it could be a warm and sunny fall one day and then the very next day it has snowed 6 inches and is bitter cold! Well that is just what happened this past week!

I had been wanting Jade to play in the crunchy fall leaves so we were waiting for most of them to fall so we could make a big pile of them. On Saturday it was the perfect day, a little chilly but we bundled her up nice and warm and went outside....

We had to take a pause to play in the dirt!
Then immediately it was off with the mittens!
And hooray! She had so much fun crunching and throwing the leaves.
It was funny to me because she crawled to the farthest corner of our front yard and sat right by the fence and played there.
And of course our adventure is not complete without a game of peek-a-boo! I am so glad I caught her at just this moment!

Now remember what I said about the weather changing daily....well this is what we woke up to Sunday morning! We wanted to see Jade's reaction to the snow so we bundled her all up, Ben cleared a spot on the sidewalk, and she set to exploring.

I love this picture because she just stood there watching and feeling the snow for about one minute before she actually moved.
Let the digging begin...

She did not venture far from the house. She kept going back to the stairs where it was "safe" I guess.

She refused to walk in the snow and chose instead to crawl. Poor girl I felt so bad because the snow just stuck to her clothes and it was not long before.....
this was the result from being so cold and wet.

We quickly picked her up and took her inside to get her nice and warm again. Overall I think she liked the snow, it was different and she had fun while she was warm. I guess we will have to invest in some snowpants and real gloves this winter!


  1. She is so old! She is such a doll and looks like she is having so much fun! I am excited for her Christmas this year! She will love it!
