With a husband like mine projects around the house are always in style! Ben has been wanting to do some little projects around our house for a long time now and finally had some time over Christmas break to do some of them. Jade even had fun helping him with some of them!
Project #1 Installing a medicine cabinet in the master bathroom:
This project was a bit more than he bargained for because when he cut into the wall he found a stud right in the way with some fun electrical wires running through it. But nothing stops Ben, so after a trip to his Dad's to get the Saws All he had that stud out of there in no time!


After... Our beautiful new mirrored bathroom!!
Project #2: Making a spare cupboard into the garbage cupboard
Ever since we moved in we have had our garbage can against one wall in the kitchen. It was kind of in the way and Jade was starting to get into it ALOT! So, we have had this idea for awhile now to build some sort of structure in this cupboard so we could "hide" the garbage can in there. Well, here is what Ben came up with...
We love our new garbage cupboard and best of all Jade does not get in it anymore!
Jade loves helping her daddy with projects. She just watches and "tries" not to touch but sometimes her fingers just get too itchy!
Project #3: Speakers in the Living Room Ceiling
Men love sound, good sound, loud sound....so this next project was just a matter of time before he did it! After talking to our brother in law, Ben decided to put speakers in the ceiling of our living room so that we did have the speakers on our wall and floor like before.
He spent one whole day just installing this puppy, this box apparently controls the whole thing. He had to get up in the attic and drop wires down the wall, sounds fun to me!!! Ha HA!

Two views of our lovely new speakers! They are kind of fun because the back two are behind you and sometimes it sounds like things in the movie are sneaking up on you.
Project #4: A bed frame
For four years of marriage we have just had box springs under our bed and a small wire frame. Ben always wanted to build something better, more sturdy and less squeaky. So...this is what he came up with. We had to get rid of the box springs because it made the bed so high I could not get on it! But, in true Ben style he made sure it was tall enough to have some storage space underneath. I love my crafty husband!
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