This is a pretty regular scene at our dinner table....

Can you even believe I have a 17 month old? I cannot, it is hard for me to think that just a few short months ago Jade was not even walking and now she is running so fast I can't keep up with her! She has grown by leaps and bounds in just the past few months and I better not blink because I think the next few months will be full of new growth and surprises as well. And then the baby will be here in April and life will never be the same for us!
Last night I saw what a great big sister Jade is going to be. I was at my YW presidency meeting and one of the other counselors has a 5 month old who was just laying on her belly on the floor. The secretary has a little girl that is just 2 months younger than Jade who was running all around. It was so cute to see that Jade chose to get down on her belly at eye level with the 5 month old and jabber away to her rather than playing with the girl her own age. It was so precious! It made me excited for her to meet her new little baby sister!
I just wanted to mention a few of Jade's updates at this age:
New words she has added are:
bite (she says this when she wants a taste of something we are eating)
uh-ma (we think this means Grandma because that is what she says when she sees either Grandma)
uh-oh (she says this alot when she drops things, it is stinking cute!)
No! (this one I am not so excited about because she says it when she really doesn't want something, my favorite is when she says it to food that I am just about to put in her mouth and then pushes my hand away and the food goes flying off the spoon across the room!)
Some other fun milestones:
Jade finally has enough hair that it is doing this funky curl thing on top of her head. I love it! She still will not let me put anything in it, oh well!! There will be plenty of time for bows and pigtails later!
Sometimes we like to spike it up just to see how much hair she has! Happy Girl!
Jade has begun climbing anything and everything she lays her eyes on. She is finding out though that somethings aren't so stable, like her kitchen! She loves to climb on the couch and then run from end to end. She also loves to climb on her toy boxes in her room, even though they are only like 6 inches off the ground, you would think she was queen of the world by the way she smiles and dances when she gets up there. Of course I have to stay right by her side when she climbs, but I hope this phase will pass or she will get a bit more stable because she is still falling like 20 times a day!
She loves her laptop and has to carry it everywhere around the house. The picture below was taken after I told her to get ready to go to the babysitters house. She grabbed her laptop and her cell phone, smart girl!!!
Thanks for posting about the projects. It reminds me that I need to give a house update. Although that will have to wait a little bit until we get back home and I can take some pictures. Also I wouldn't count on Jade growing out of her climbing phase. Maddi started out that way and has never changed. Cute pics!