We are having another baby!! We just found out it’s a little girl. It was exciting to finally see her moving around inside of me. The baby is due in April, so I am almost halfway done! We wanted to wait to post about it until we had pics from our ultrasound and knew the gender.
It was about this time that we found out that Ben had gotten the Business Librarian job at UVU and this was something we had been hoping and praying for, ever since he graduated last May with his Master’s degree. We were so excited to tell our families about his new job that we decided Jade’s birthday party would be an excellent time to do it because they would all be there. So at the beginning of the party Ben stood up and said, “We have an announcement.” Immediately everyone went silent and I heard a few gasps, especially from Great Grandma Revelli. I knew what they were thinking, that we were pregnant again. That is kind of Tommy (Ben’s brothers fault because at every family gathering he used to say “Angela has an announcement, no matter what it was they were going to say or if he just wanted to get us riled up!) But, we said no we weren’t and then told them about Ben’s job. Everyone was so excited for us. And I again assured them we weren’t pregnant, after all I had just taken a test a week earlier and it was “negative.”
So one morning I decided, fine I will take another test. And sure enough, when I looked at it, it had a small blue line in each of the two windows. Negative again! Man, I was really starting to wonder what was wrong with me. But before I threw away the test, I had a thought to look at the directions. You see this was a different test than I had used when we found out we were pregnant with Jade. When the pregnancy test showed positive with Jade it had a plus sign in one window and a small test line in the other. Naturally that is what I was waiting to see. However, this test I was using this time was a generic Wal-mart one, and how was I supposed to know that not every test had a plus sign for a positive result! After looking at the directions page for the test, I found the picture that showed a positive or a negative result and discovered that a positive result had a small blue line in each of the windows! And a negative had nothing in the first window but a test line in the other. Who knew!!! So, after realizing what that meant, I was actually pregnant and that was what my body was trying to tell me for a few weeks now, I felt rather silly. I ran straight to Ben and showed him, at first he was like what is this, but then after explaining myself. He said “I knew it, you had to be with all those symptoms!”
We were both excited and a little apprehensive as we let the reality of being pregnant again settle in on us. We had planned to have our kids close, and it looks like we got our wish. The girls will be 20 months apart. We wanted them to be good friends and hope they will be. I am sure Jade will be a good big sister. She is growing and learning so much each day and will teach her little sister many, many things!
Here is a 4-D picture of our baby, it is cool because you can see her little face!
On November 23, 2010, we had my 20 week ultrasound and checkup. It was so awesome to see the baby finally and know that all was well. The tech checked all the health issues and made sure all was in order and took lots of pics. Then she looked at the gender, it was a little girl! The tech even wrote Daddy’s girl on the picture! We were thrilled that we had a healthy little girl. Ben had told me he wanted a girl, so Jade could have a playmate. However, I was not sure what we were having because I have been having dream after dream about a little boy. I did with Jade too, so I am thinking that we have a little boy up there somewhere just waiting for his turn and for his big sisters to break us in a bit. We left the doctors office with our happy news. I love seeing the baby and knowing that all is well.
Here is our little girl waving hi! The ultrasound tech said she had never seen a baby wave her hand so much! She was so excited to see us I guess!!
Wow! Congrats!!! I love that you waited till now to post. Makes it seem so much faster. Crazy that you are already halfway done!!!
ReplyDeleteYour dad said it was our fault you guys are having a girl. =) I think our girls will have more fun with a baby sister anyway. We are very excited for you and am glad that our kids are still so close in age. It will definitely be nice at family get-togethers.
ReplyDeleteI am so excited for you! I didn't even know about Ben's job! Congrats!!! How fun to have two little girls in a row!