What's Going On?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

15 Months Old!!!

I cannot even believe Jade is 15 months old today! She is no longer a baby, but a very active toddler. She is exploring her independence and voicing her opinion (quite loudly sometimes!), but then at other times she cuddles up to me or her Daddy and won't let go. We are enjoying this stage as we now have a little person who tries everything we do!

Here are some highlights for Jade at 15 months!

Jade can officially walk now! She falls less and less everyday and is finally at the point where she will stand up and walk somewhere instead of crawling!!
Still loves to put everything in her mouth, her she is modeling her new socks.
She is really getting into playing dress-up. Looks like we better get her some dress up stuff, but I think she did pretty good on her own, don't you?

At 15 months Jade is...

31 ¾ in. tall (90% percentile)

25lbs. 9 oz (90% percentile)

Favorite Foods—spaghetti (any kind of noodles and sauce), baby cheeto puffs, apples, cereal

She is getting her 8th tooth, which makes for 4 on top and 4 on bottom

Jade can say these words:

hi, bye, papa, daddy, mama, num-num (for food she likes)

no-no-no (she likes to say this one especially right after we tell her no)

nana (for banana)

woof-woof (for doggy),




ba-ba for bottle

She knows where her belly and ears are when asked to point to them.

She will dance whenever she hears music.

Finally she recognizes simple commands like: let’s eat (goes to highchair), let’s go bye-bye (goes to door), put on socks/shoes (holds her feet up to get them on), where’s Jade (plays peekaboo), up/walk (she will stand up and come to us)

If she finds a remote she will point it at the tv and start pressing buttons like she is turning on her baby einstein movies, if I say diaper she points to where it goes on her body, when we put lotion on after her bath she thinks it’s fun to lick it then look at me for a reaction, she will bring or throw me the ball when asked.

Jade loves her Daddy, especially getting rides!

1 comment:

  1. My goodness I can't believe how time has flown. She is getting so big. I love new babies, but it is so much fun interacting with a toddler too! I am really glad that you keep up on your blogging. I do love seeing what you guys are up to and can't wait to see you at the wedding.
