It's almost that time again, the dreaded back to school. This year however I am not so excited to go back as there have been some changes and I will no longer be teaching 5th grade. I get to teach Technology instead. I am sad that I still cannot stay home with little Jade and it will kill me to leave her each day because we have had so much fun together this summer. She is my little buddy and we do everything together!
So this week we have been spending lots of quality time together. She has been teething really bad lately and so I thought a snow cone might feel good. We did not get any flavor on hers but she absolutely loved it! She ate the whole cup of ice and then had a red mouth and hands from all the cold!

She loved sticking chunks of ice in her mouth and then swishing them back and forth.

She also liked just playing with the ice until it got too cold and then she would usually drop it!

Here are just some fun pictures of her newest faces. This one is my favorite!

Here is her latest one, she purses her lips and then sucks them up toward her nose. It's a hoot!

And this is her new favorite thing to do, pull all the books off her shelf and climb in! If I pick up the books, she immediately drops whatever she is doing, crawls right over and pulls them all off again! So most days her shelf just looks like this!
I didn't know you were going to be teaching Technology now! Makes sense with Dave retiring. Good luck getting everything together!