Today we went to the doctor for Jade's one year checkup. He said she is just blossoming and he is pleased with her progress as well as all the things she can do. Her are her stats for one year:
Weight: 24 lbs. 14 oz. 90th percentile
Height: 31 inches 97th percentile (she is one tall kiddo, and everyone comments on her height!)
Here are some things that Jade can do right now and things that I want to remember about this stage...
- says me, me, me, me, me (this is my fault because we listen to a song almost daily that sings about me, you and we!)
- screams (literally screams) "daddy" when he walks in the door from work, it is the cutest thing! Then she follows him around, crawling at his heels, whimpering until he finally picks her up.
- can stand on her own for 5-10 seconds at a time
- she drinks her bathwater and then as if that is not enough, she sticks her mouth under the faucet while I am filling the tub and opens wide!
- will sing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" with me, it melts my heart when I hear her sweet little voice
- dances like crazy to music--shimmies her shoulders
- points at everything and says "yah" or "dah"
- as soon as we unbuckle her from the carseat she flips over, stands up and proceeds to dance until we pull her out!
- FINALLY loves to point and look and lift the flaps in her books instead of just eating the pages!
- cuddles with me before I put her to bed for the night, I treasure this time!
- eats ice, popsicles and anything cold (I think this is due to the fact that the poor girl is cutting 5 teeth at the same time!) She now officially has 4 teeth, the 2 top and 2 bottom ones.
- likes to stack things inside each other (cups, toys, herself!)

If you want to see more pictures of Jade that were taken, go to this link and look for my name:
cute pictures!! she is growing fast
ReplyDeleteYour pictures are awesome. I think you should come to Montana to take my kids photo's