Ahhh, so today I was looking through some old pictures we took of Jade and I came across a few that made me smile. Here are some great then and now pics, watch how much Jade has grown.

She basically slept in her baby swing for a couple weeks of her life, we could not get her to sleep anywhere else. Look how tiny she is.

Now she swings for fun at the park with the "big" kids.

My first trip in a stroller...

Now I have a new, bigger stroller and I love to sit up and look at everything!

This is my precious little snuggly bundle just days after she was born.

And now look at her!

Jade in one of her toy baskets, she fit perfectly...

Now she tosses all the toys out!

Going home from the hospital in my new car seat. We were so worried she didn't fit and had to hold her head upright the whole way home.

Now, she has actually outgrown this "new" carseat, both her head and her legs poke up and out of it. She hated being in it and so at 8 months old, itwas time for a new one.
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