Last week Ben had to go to St. George on a business trip and Jade and I did not want to be home alone so....we headed up to Grandma and Grandpa's house for a few days! It was so much fun and we did alot of things. It was nice to not be at work and just relax with Jade and my family for awhile. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Here is some of what we were up to...
We celebrated Great Grandma's 70th birthday! Way to go for looking so young and fit Grandma!

Jade does pretty good at drinking from a cup, but when it is empty all she wants to do is chew, chew, chew...

We loved visiting with my parents.

We even saw a baby buffalo just after it was CUTE!

One of Jade's many looks...she sure loves taking walks and being outside.

She played the piano for the first time...I think we might have a musician on our hands!

We took some generation photos with Great Grandpa. This was special because both Jade and I share his name, his is Dominick and our middle names are Dominique.

Of course no trip would be complete without finding a tag to chew on!

What a pleasant baby...

Don't you just love her smile?

and laugh?

She found some newspaper and magazines to play with...oh oh!! She had such a blast ripping and throwing and making lots of noise!

This is serious business!

Jade got another visit from Great Grandma Johnson, my mom's mom.

I can't believe how tall she is getting, just look at this pic!

Jadee loves taking walks with Grandma. Look at the blue Wyoming sky!! Not like our smoggy Orem air!

Spent some time playing in her toy basket.

And finally, I found some more paper to chew on!

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for a great trip!!! We love you and hope we can visit again soon!
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