After he left, I pondered for a moment as his question had taken me off guard--of course I love my little girls. But his words have left me thinking all day--do I show them I love them enough? Am I raising them as Heavenly Father would want me to? I think sometimes I take them for granted and don't enjoy the little things enough. Today, before that man approached us, I was pretty annoyed with Kiera because she kept eating my shopping list and the sale ad, plus she had just thrown the cans of black beans and bottles of ketchup on the floor for hundredth time! I think that sweet old man was sent to me today as reminder to be more grateful for my little girls and that no matter how many times they throw the groceries out of the cart, or bug each other when riding so close together in the bus cart :)-- I need to remember they are sent from Heaven and I love them so much. I can't imagine my life without them! What a great lesson learned today in a simple grocery store!
How could you not love this????
and this???
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