Anyone care to guess what happens when you combine this...

with this funny girl...
Yep, you guessed it! We get super curly hair that is extra greasy...these curls stayed nice and tight for over a week!
We get fun new food creations and cooking goo...
We get a new form of super glue! These lids were so stuck together, it was fun to get them apart!
We also got loads of laughs (after the fact) that our 2 year old decided to "paint" her room and most everything she could reach with an entire jar of Vaseline! I know you are dying, so here is the story.
I wish we would have gotten more pictures, but in the heat of the event, we were thinking of how to clean the mess up, not how cute it all was.
So, Jade had been sick with a nasty cold and sore throat, of course her nose was very runny, and with a runny nose comes a raw red nose. Being the good parents that we are, we put Vaseline under her nose before she went to bed one night to help ease the rawness. Then we put her to bed, put the Vaseline back where it had been since she was born (on top of her bookshelf). The next morning she was sleeping in extra late and I thought it was weird, she never sleeps until 9am but I had not heard one peep out of her room so I kept working around the house. Well, about 9:15am I hear this little voice saying something from under her door, so I go in there only to be greeted by the greasiest, shiniest little girl you have ever seen! She had her pajamas half off and had lubed up her body, hair, anywhere you could think of with Vaseline. I began to panic and it was a good thing Ben was going in late to work that day, so he could help me. We found the jar of Vaseline completely empty and as we began examining things in her room, she had not missed much! Her dollies had Vaseline under their noses (you know in case they were hurting too!), her blankets were coated, the floor was greasy, and her new Cinderbrella play dresses were spotted with grease. Not to mention most of the food and dishes in her toy kitchen were very nicely greased up. We immediately just threw her in the bath tub, but water is no enemy to Vaseline! Ben scrubbed and scrubbed with soap and water and finally she was as clean as we could get her. She was very well hydrated and had baby soft skin for a few days after! After getting Jade cleaned up we set about her room, we found that baby wipes work super well at getting Vaseline off things (probably because of the alcohol in them!). Ben tirelessly scrubbed her clothes with rubbing alcohol and got the greasy stains out of most everything but her blankets. Upon investigating further, Jade showed us exactly how she had gotten to the Vaseline. She just pulled climbed up her toy shelves and reached super hard to get the top of her bookshelf. How did she get so tall all of a sudden??!!
Anyway, lesson learned....we have now moved everything within Jade's reach or anything that might even be possibly close, to a safe locked place.
And, she now uses her creative painting skills in the bathtub, with washable finger paints! I still have nightmares that she is laying in her bed, dreaming about what mischief she can get into next, what can she try...
I wouldn't even know where to begin with cleaning that up. Gotta love kids and their creativity. =)
ReplyDeleteWhat a nightmare! I would not have wanted to clean that mess up! No fun!