I can't believe I have another 2 month old already! Crazy how fast time flies, it seems like just yesterday that she was born. Kiera is starting to really smile and coo at us when we talk to her. She likes high voices the best and will get all serious and look like she is going to cry if someone talks to her in a deep voice. She is becoming more active during the day and will stay awake for about 1 - 2 1/2 hours depending on what we are doing. She is a fairly good napper during the day but usually has to have her swing to help her go to sleep. She also does really well at night, after I feed her about 10pm she will sleep until 3 or 4am and then wake again at 7 or 8am. I am still pretty exhausted though, I think my body was made to get more sleep because when Jade gets up at about 8am I can hardly open my eyes. Oh well, this too shall pass!
I have kind of nicknamed her "Kiera bear" because of when she was first born she would grunt like crazy at night and cry alot during the day. We think it was just because she was adjusting to my milk or maybe something I was eating. She will still grunt at times but is doing tons better with eating. I just need to stay away from dairy and chocolate, too bad those are two of my favorite things! So her nickname just kind of stuck, plus I think it sounds rather cute.
Kiera's stats at 2 months:
Weight: 11 lbs. 11 oz (80th)
Height: 23 in. (80th)
and what checkup would be complete without shots!! She got 3 shots in the leg and took an oral vaccine as well! She was such a trooper!
Here are some pictures of our sweet little Kiera bear...

I love this one because it looks like she is kind of grimacing and saying, "really mom, another picture?!" Plus her one leg pulled up make her look like a flamingo!

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