I have been making my own baby food and then freezing it in ice cube trays. Jade loves it when we put one of those ice cubes in her little mesh popsicle bag and then she bites and licks it til it's gone. Her favorite is squash!
Yummy, that was good!
Jadee loves bananas!
I love my new cookies! She just bites and drools on them until they fall apart to mush!
Who has more food on their face, Jadee or Daddy??
So the latest food we have tried is applesauce. It is such a hoot to watch her face twist and turn as she tastes the tartness of the apple. Enjoy these pictures!
This last picture is my favorite!! She has been making this face alot lately! We think she is experimenting with her face and mouth and trying to form words. Priceless....
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