Our little lady is seven months old, can you believe it!! My parents always told me that time goes faster the older you get; I am now seeing the truth in that statement as each day seems to speed by! When I was little, time seemed to drag on forever and I could not wait to get on to the next big event in life, but now that I am older and have a family of my own, it seems I cannot wait for time to slow down so that I can enjoy each moment a little longer and savor it.
Here are some of the things Jade has mastered this month:
• sit up on her own, without support
• lift her chest and tummy off the ground and straighten her arms so she can see up higher
• scoot sideways and in a circle when she is on her tummy—she especially moves to get her favorite toys!
• rolls from back to tummy and back again (sometimes)
• says “Ba, ba”
• had her first ear infection (that was no fun!)
• is eating rice cereal & oatmeal, carrots, squash, bananas, applesauce, sweet potatoes, pears, and some hard biter biscuits which turn to mush when she drools endlessly on them!
• smiles big when mommy and daddy come home, recognizes us
• very ticklish on her thighs, tummy, and ribs
I hope you also enjoy these pictures I took of her in this adorable Nike skorts outfit. It is a 12 month, but alas she has already almost outgrown it!
Super Cute! I love the outfit! I can't believe she is standing up on her own! Everything happens so fast!