This picture pretty much sums our crazy little 18 month old!
Things we love about Kiera:
- Her crazy static hair
- Her contagious smile
- The way she half dances, half gallops around the room when she is happy.
- How she says please--"peezz"
- She shares with her sister
- Loves her Papa and Mama
- Her curiosity and monkey type climbing habit.
- Her endless energy--she literally goes from sun up to sun down--never wants to miss a moment
- She loves to help put her shoes on--if she does not have some, she goes and finds whoever's shoes are closest and puts them on.
- Her high pain tolerance--she rarely whines and all 4 molars came in at once!
- Her helpful demeanor--she is always helping mommy clean the house.
- Her cute cheeks
- How she looked in her Yoda costume!
- She loves to play and talk on the phone.
- Is obsessed with babies and strollers--will go up to anyone with a baby and start talking to them and trying to touch their baby or push their stroller.
- The way she still hangs onto her little polar bear, calls it "B" and carries it everywhere.
- She quietly observes people and then dives in for some fun after she has assessed the situation.
- She can say lots of words with clarity: peez, thank you, mommy, daddy, papa, cheese, shoes, mine, book, love you, bee-bee(pacifier), milk.
- Her michievious grin...she will start backing away and run from you if you tell her to come here.
- She is the best cuddler and gives lots of hugs and kisses.
- Loves to read books and make all the animal sounds--favorite right now is a kitty.
Kiera's 18 month stats:
Weight: 29 lbs. 1 oz. (94%)
Height: 34 inches (96%)
Head: 49.5cm (98%)