Jade has been waiting for this day for a long, long time...the Brigham City Temple open house! She is so excited she can finally go inside the Temple!
We started out by meeting up with my sister and her husband. Jade had to wear all of Aunt Kae's jewelry and get all prettied up...
Twinners!! Ever wonder where Jade gets her curly hair...well now you know!
One of Jade's favorite things from the whole day was that she got to ride on a bus! She calls it a "blus" and she was jumping up and down and laughing that she actually got to ride on one. Her favorite song right now is Wheels on the Bus...she could hardly contain herself!
When we got to Brigham City, we met up with the rest of my family...and Jade found her Maddi! These two were inseparable for the rest of the day.
Sitting with Uncle Mitch watching the movie before we went inside.
Checking out their white cloud shoes...
After the open house tour, we grabbed some cookies and the girls had a rest by Grandma.
Cute little Marly Sue!
A shot of the whole clan that went...
It was raining pretty much the whole time we were there...but all the girls wanted to do was play in the fountain in front of the Temple.
Maddi and Jade and "their Temple."
Afterwards, every time Jade sees a Temple, she says to me, "We have to be quiet and not talk in Temples because Jesus is sleeping in there." What a thought!
Cute girls...having a blast!
I know I am such a nerd, but I had to get a shot of the fun water bottles they made just for the open house event. I thought it was clever!