What's Going On?

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Happiness is...

Here are a few random pictures of what has been happening at our house lately. The girls are growing so fast I can hardly keep up with them. After watching General Conference last weekend, there was one quote by Elder Scott that really stuck with me and has made me change my focus as a Mom.

"Children are not something you have if you have time for them, having children is what God gave you time for."

I was a bit teary when I heard this quote as my life has been full of many changes this past little while and I feel super overwhelmed with all that I have to do each day with the girls and work. I am trying to remember this quote each day as start out and it has brought much more happiness to my life. I love these 2 little girls and can't even imagine my life without them!

Here is our little 6 month old!! Can you even believe that she is 1/2 year old already!!

Jade has a new ritual of putting Woody in Kiera's highchair every time she has to eat. She has a snapping problem! Meaning she goes around snapping anything and everything with a snap or buckle! It was cute at first, but now is starting to get annoying...he he!!

The other day, this is how I found Jade, face pressed down in the book, sound asleep!! It sure made me smile real big! She has to go to bed with a pile of books to read to her dolls. This is what happens when you are too tired to finish your book!!

Our little librarian. Kiera has recently discovered how to turn the pages in books and loves to look at all the brightly colored pages. She has to be just like her sister!

Jade bowling with her new life size bowling pins and ball! It is just hilarious to watch her throw that ball, because she does not even aim for the pins, but instead just throws the ball in any direction, and then she tackles the pins with her body!

One of Ben's friends from UNT gave the girls this bib. He thought he would let them both try it out! Go UNT (we are kind of alumi I guess as that is where Ben got his Master's degree)!

Love, love, love this stunned look on her face!! Looks like she is saying "You caught me and yes Daddy made me wear this gigantic bib!"

Jade loves to fix things and help do chores around the house. As long as we make it fun, we can usually get her do almost anything, from laundry to mopping! Here she is fixing her Elmo doll!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Grandpa's Birthday

At the end of July we celebrated my Dad's 25th birthday!!?? He, he just kidding, we thought it would be funny and make him feel younger if we switched the numbers around!

My Dad and his girls...

Jade of course had to help blow out the candles!

A visit with Cousins...

At the end of August we took a little trip with my Mom and sister to visit our Riverton family. My brother Mitch and his wife and 2 little girls live there, and so it was truly a "girls" weekend. It was a short but fun trip and I thought it was well worth the drive so the girls could play with their cousins. Jade and Kiera had an absolute blast with Maddi and Marly.

Jade and Maddi on the swings. Just look at those smiles, oh the simple joys of being a kid!

This is my favorite of Jade from the trip. Her face says it all, and boy is she ever expressive these days when she talks about things.

Trying out a new hairdo, what do you think? Is it too late for the afro to make a comeback?

Kiera and her Aunt Kaeli

One happy girl!

This was the best picture we could get of two busy toddlers. Hey at least we got them to sit down for 30 seconds!

Jade carrying her dolly in sister Kiera's backpack. She likes to put her dolls in my baby bjeorn and carry them around saying, "pack pack."

Maddi taught Jade a thing or two about jumping on the bed!

Marly and Kiera chillin' on the blanket outside.

Jade the acrobat!

Picking some apples from the neighbor's tree.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Random Happenings at the Wilson Home

We have been busy with work and having some fun with our two beautiful girls

Here is Miss Kiera chillin' on her sister's new couch!

She can't quite sit up on her own, but does pretty well at staying propped up when we leave her there.

Ben is so proud of Jade, this is her first real taco (the hard shell kind)!

I think she rather enjoyed her taco!

Jade and Daddy

Lounging around on her new picnic table. She says "nic" for picnic and it is the cutest thing!

Jade got a new big girl bed for her birthday. She was super excited to play in it but when it came time to sleep in it that night, she screamed and would have nothing to do with it. So after 2 hours of crying, we put her back in her crib and she slept like a baby!

However, Kiera, rather enjoys playing in Jade's new bed...

Kiera and Daddy, she is in the baby bjeorn and doing what she does best....sucking on everything!

Jade and Mommy having some fun with the webcam.

Kiera helping Mommy with her work!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Jadee Lady turns 2!

Can you even believe we have a 2 year old running (literally) around our house! Just 2 short years ago we welcomed this bright-eyed happy girl into our home and now she is half as tall as me!

Jade's 2 year old stats:

weight: 31 lbs (90th)

height: 36 3/4 in. (98th)

Some things I want to remember about Jade right now:

  • Smiles alot, gives great hugs

  • can talk very well--understands most everything we say to her, you can really see her thinking and processing things now! She speaks words clearly and will repeat things back to you after only hearing them once or twice.

  • jumps off the ground with both feet (especially on beds and furniture!)

  • loves to play pretend in her kitchen and with her dolls

  • loves to take bubble baths and is now getting daring by laying on her back and letter her ears go under the water!

  • still eats almost anything, but loves her snacks--currently her favorite snack is goldfish and grapes

  • can recognize the letters: O, F, S, M, N, and a few more

  • can recognize the numbers 1 and 2

  • If we say 1 then she will follow with 2 and 3.

  • is starting to sing to herself, to me and to her dolls (super cute!)

We celebrated her 2nd birthday with family and an Elmo party! Enjoy some pictures below of her big day!

Eating her Elmo Cupcake...

Opening presents with Papa.

She was so happy to get this Elmo birthday doll!

Enthralled with her new water play table.

Eating her favorite...melon!

Hey Batter, Batter....

Enjoying all of her favorite snacks, she kept going back to the table to sneak a few more of this and that!


"I'm 2!" I made this little tutu for her and ironed on the 2 on her shirt. She is becoming quite the little poser!

One of her favorite toys she got was doll with a baby swing and stroller. She plays with them every day and has to push her baby wherever she goes. I push Kiera, Jade pushes her doll!

Taking a whack at the pinata!

Taking the dolly for a stroll...

A shot of the Elmo cupcakes before they started to melt!

The pictures below were taken on her actual birthday! She had a very special day which consisted of going to the park and eating some of her favorite special treats!

I let her dress herself for her birthday and she chose well! A pink tutu with a pink shirt. And a red hat to top it all off.

Her favorite...cheetos!

Walking to the park....

Jumping for Joy.
Good morning sunshine!! Mean old mom got a picture of her right after she had woken up! Had to document the day!