We have a 4 month old at our house!
Here are Kiera's stats:
Weight: 16 lbs (95%)
Height: 25 1/2 in. (95%)
She is growing so much each day.
She can now roll over from her belly to her back.
She blows raspberries with her lips.
Talks, laughs and coos alot!
Smiles whenever she sees her parents or her sister!
Sleeps 7-8 hrs at night so I can get some rest! Yeah!!
Enjoy some pictures of our little angel!
Here are Kiera's stats:
Weight: 16 lbs (95%)
Height: 25 1/2 in. (95%)
She is growing so much each day.
She can now roll over from her belly to her back.
She blows raspberries with her lips.
Talks, laughs and coos alot!
Smiles whenever she sees her parents or her sister!
Sleeps 7-8 hrs at night so I can get some rest! Yeah!!
Enjoy some pictures of our little angel!
We pulled out the bouncer to see how she would do....and....well....this was pretty much all she wanted to do, suck, suck, suck!
Kiera enjoying her new swing. Our old one just quit working and if you have had a baby that won't sleep sometimes and her only saving grace is the swing, then you know we had to get a new one! She loves looking at herself in the little mirror above her head.
Below are some of my attempts at getting her to smile for the camera....
Sitting on sister's couch.
Sitting on sister's couch.
She has recently discovered that she has toes and loves to grab them when she is lying on her back and make raspberry sounds.