What's Going On?

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Kiera is 4 months old!

We have a 4 month old at our house!

Here are Kiera's stats:

Weight: 16 lbs (95%)
Height: 25 1/2 in. (95%)

She is growing so much each day.

She can now roll over from her belly to her back.
She blows raspberries with her lips.
Talks, laughs and coos alot!
Smiles whenever she sees her parents or her sister!
Sleeps 7-8 hrs at night so I can get some rest! Yeah!!

Enjoy some pictures of our little angel!

We pulled out the bouncer to see how she would do....and....well....this was pretty much all she wanted to do, suck, suck, suck!
Ok we did get her to give us that great big happy smile of hers!

Kiera enjoying her new swing. Our old one just quit working and if you have had a baby that won't sleep sometimes and her only saving grace is the swing, then you know we had to get a new one! She loves looking at herself in the little mirror above her head.

Below are some of my attempts at getting her to smile for the camera....

Sitting on sister's couch.

Love this face!

She has recently discovered that she has toes and loves to grab them when she is lying on her back and make raspberry sounds.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Farm Country

Tuesdays in August are $2 to any venue at Thanksgiving Point. My friend from the ward and I decided to take our girls to Farm Country last Tuesday. It was super hot but the girls had alot of fun feeding, petting, and trying to jump in the animal's pens!

I had never seen a live turkey up close before and let's just say I had to get a picture because it is one of the ugliest birds I have ever seen!! Don't wanna get in a fight with that thing, look at that claw on his beak!!

Jade was so naughty they threw her in jail!! He he, just kidding, but she sure loved playing in this pretend jail they had set up.

We had to stop in the building for some AC and she absolutely loved "planting" the crops, mostly though she loved climbing on the big tire.

She liked petting the pony.

She even tried to climb in with the cow!

She fed the goat, but decided she did not like that so much. Once was enough for her!

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Last Saturday we spent the day with cousins. We started out the day swimming with Sandy, Nicole and Lena. And then in the evening we went to Aiden's 1st birthday party. It was fun visiting with family and I think Jade really enjoyed playing with the kids.

Mommy and Kiera, I didn't realize we matched until we had already left the house!! How funny!!

Our Sweet Jadee Lady posing for the camera

She was the biggest helper with Aiden's presents...

She just stared intently at him as pulled apart his monkey cake. I think she wanted some but was so good to just let him have at it.

Happy baby Kiera!

I got this picture just a second too late, they were all sitting together in a circle holding hands, just jabbering away at each other. I think our kids will be great friends!

Even Kiera enjoyed the water. She loved bouncing in it in these little swings they had. Aunt Sandy also had fun swimming around with her. She did not complain once, pretty good for her first time swimming!

The girls...

It took almost the entire two and 1/2 hours we were at the pool to get Jade to stop crying and enjoy the water. When we got out of the car and she saw the pool she was super excited to go in, but when we walked in she saw a giant bucket dumping water and it was pretty loud in there so I guess it freaked her out a bit. She started crying and did not want to get in the water. After some coaxing and just going around with Papa in the lazy river, she eventually warmed up. This picture below was taken at the end when she became fearless and was walking on a bench in the water.

Kiera, Sandy, Jade and Ben

Friday, August 12, 2011

Visit with Cousin Scarlett & Aunt Johnnie

A couple weeks ago, Ben's half sister Johnnie and her daughter Scarlett came to visit. It was lots of fun getting to know them! All the cousins had lots of fun together.

The Kids

Tommy, Heidi, Sandy, Ben, Johnnie

Ben's family, John, Tommy, Heidi, Johnnie, Sandy, Ben, Peggy

Grandpa Wilson and Kiera

Kiera Elaine and Scarlett Elaine...we had to get a picture of the two girls that were named after their Great Grandma Gladys Elaine!

My happy baby!

Do we look like sisters?

Jade and Scarlett

One night, Ben and Johnnie went out and had dinner and I babysat Scarlett. We decided to go to the park that is not too far from our house. However, after loading a 3 year old, almost 2 year old, and a baby carseat into our little red wagon we were quite the site as we headed off to the park! I wish I would have gotten a picture of me pulling the wagon! It worked, might have been a little squishy but we made it and the girls had so much fun.

Reading books together...

Playing in the sandbox...

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Our Little Genius

Jade is growing up faster and faster these days. She will be 2 in a week and it is amazing to me to see how much she has physically grown and mentally progressed just in one short year. I was looking at pictures of her when she turned one and I can hardly remember those days.

The other day I was going through some old teacher stuff and I handed Jade a bag of foam shapes I thought she would have fun with. I just thought she would have fun putting them together like a puzzle or stacking them or something, but when I walked out to the living room, this is what I found...

We have a certifiable genius living in our home! She had sorted all the shapes by size. I don't know if that is a 2 year old task but I was pretty impressed, it was a proud Mom moment! Next I guess we will work on sorting by color! Ha Ha!

She was also pretty impressed by these leaves she found in the yard. Every day whenever we go outside she always make it into the house with a leaf, twig, rock or some other fun treasure. The other day it was a worm, she thought it was so funny that she had picked it up and it was wriggling in her hand! I did my best not to freak out and gently told her that worms belong in the dirt as we put it back into the hole she dug it out from! Yikes!

One of Jade's favorite games right now is Peek-a-boo. She will take every opportunity she gets to play it. Here we are at dinner one night and POOF! Jade disappeared!

And then again we were in the office and just like magic Jade appeared from behind the curtain! I am absolutely in love with that smile!

Best Sisters

As Kiera gets a little older, Jade is starting to play with her more. It is so cute to see how the two of them interact. Each day, several times a day, Jade will have to give her sister hugs and kisses. I can't wait until they can actually play together. Sometimes I think Jade is so lonely and it will be nice to have someone to play with.

Jade loves to read to sister....

I think this picture is so sweet. Kiera is looking up to Jade, it's like she is saying
"teach me how sister."