I can almost always be found with a camera in my hand at any family function so it was no surprise when I found Jade with this in her hand one day...
What's Going On?
Sunday, July 31, 2011
End of July Fun
I can't believe summer is almost over, it seems like it just began!! We have been busy with life and family things. Here are some pics of what we have been up to...
We had a BBQ with my old work buddies and here is Ben with his two girls....so cute!
We traveled up to Evanston to spend some time with my Dad for his birthday. Jade helped him blow out the candles and then promptly started eating the strawberries off the cake. She made sure to double dip each berry in the frosting before finally eating it!!
Kiera with Great Grandma Revelli
Kiera with Great Grandma Johnson
Jade eating her favorite thing on earth...watermelon!
Ben & I were able to get out on a rare date (thanks Peggy!!) and we hiked Stewart Falls. It was a great hike (a little harder than I remember from back in the day before I had 2 kiddos, but it was a great workout!) and the falls were huge!
Look at those eyes! Kiera is getting so big so big, so fast!
We took our young women up to hike Battle Creek Falls in PG. Another amazing hike with a great view. These are the ladies I get to hang out with each Sunday and Tuesday!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Fun with Friends
This past week we had some fun get togethers with friends and family.
Kiera and I had a girls night with my friends from my old job at Freedom. I won't get to see them everyday anymore so it was fun to get together for some good food and conversation.
Angie and Kiera
Won't they be such great Mom's one day? They took great care of Kiera and Eliza. We love Alisha and Angie! I love how Eliza is just analyzing Kiera and Kiera is staring bug-eyed at the camera!
Finally, we were able to spend some time with Uncle Cole when he came down for a few days. Can you tell that Jade is not so much into picture taking right now!
Jadee reading with Uncle Cole. It is hilarious to hear her say his name, we think she is trying to say Uncle but it sounds like "cunckle cole."
Monday, July 18, 2011
Kiera is 3 months old already!
Time flies when you have babies!! They grow way too fast! Miss Kiera is 3 months old already and here are some things we want to remember about her at this age.
She smiles and coos at us, especially if you talk in high voices.
She has just discovered that she has feet and hands and loves to clasp her hands together and just look at them for minutes on end.
She loves to kick her legs and arms while she lays on her back and has now started to bounce herself in her bouncer.
She can grab objects hanging in front of her, she doesn't know why or what to do with them yet but she sure is shocked when she gets ahold of something.
She loves looking at her older sister and she will smile and laugh if Jade talks to her.
She smiles and coos at us, especially if you talk in high voices.
She has just discovered that she has feet and hands and loves to clasp her hands together and just look at them for minutes on end.
She loves to kick her legs and arms while she lays on her back and has now started to bounce herself in her bouncer.
She can grab objects hanging in front of her, she doesn't know why or what to do with them yet but she sure is shocked when she gets ahold of something.
She loves looking at her older sister and she will smile and laugh if Jade talks to her.
She is a pretty good sleeper. We attribute this to the fact that Jade is so loud all day that Kiera does not get much napping done. But hey whatever works, it's nice to get more sleep at night!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Cherry Picker
July 4th Fun at the Wilson's
Ben had the 4th of July off work and we decided to spend the afternoon at the Lindon swimming pool with family. It was lots of fun and Jade loved going down the kiddie slides.
Jade and Papa
Kiera bear already to sun bathe!
On the previous saturday we had gotten together at the Wilson's for a 4th of July morning devotional. I liked having breakfast as a family and the thought was very uplifting. I am very grateful to live in this wonderful country!
Miss Kiera enjoying her day.
Jade and Lena reading in bed.
Jade was so cute as she laid in the big girl bed. Lena loved reading and playing with her. Our little girl is become such a big little lady! She loves playing with and mimicking her older cousins.
Jade even climbed up into Grandpa's tree with Uncle Michael, what a daredevil!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Mommy & Jadee Rainy Day Fun
One rainy day last week I was trying to figure out what to do with Jade because we had been cooped up in the house all day. So what is better than getting out the tent, filling it full of pillows and blankets, making some popcorn and sticking in a good movie?? Not much better! It was so fun to just spend some quality time with Jade. She absolutely loved being inside the tent and eating her "corn" as she calls it. It was cute as she cuddled up next to me to watch the movie. We only made it about 10 minutes into the movie before she started wiggling and her attention was gone, but we sure had fun playing in the tent!

This black eye, her second one to date, was a result of her jumping in to the tent without looking. I happened to be holding her magna doodle and did not see her jump at me. She smacked her eye squarely on the corner of the magna doodle and the result was an instantaneous purple bump under her eye. I knew immediately that it was going to be a bad one. We tried to put ice on it but she had more fun just playing with the ice pack.
Here is her black eye the day it happened...

Jadee helping to make her "corn." Don't worry the stove is not even on, this was staged just for a picture!
Diving in the tent...
This black eye, her second one to date, was a result of her jumping in to the tent without looking. I happened to be holding her magna doodle and did not see her jump at me. She smacked her eye squarely on the corner of the magna doodle and the result was an instantaneous purple bump under her eye. I knew immediately that it was going to be a bad one. We tried to put ice on it but she had more fun just playing with the ice pack.
Here is her black eye the day it happened...
This was taken about two days after, the bruise looks awful but the swelling has gone down. We also took this pic to show you all of her hair! You don't really know how much she has until it poofs out like this!
My Birthday
Birthdays are funny things. I have always loved celebrating mine because it is fun to be spoiled all day long. This year I was excited for the birthday part of it but not for the turning one year older part. The closer I get to 30 the more I realize how old I am getting and it is not fun as your body starts to wear out and not do the things it used to. I think it might be because I just had baby #2 but I just don't feel as great as I used to. But for this birthday Ben surprised me and we celebrated it for a whole week. The saturday before he got his mom to babysit the girls and we went to eat at our favorite place, Red Robin. Afterwards we just walked around the mall and shopped and looked, it had been probably since before Jade was born that we did that and I had forgotten how much fun it was to just be with Ben and shop. Then on the wednesday before my birthday, Ben rented a tandem bike and we took it riding up the canyon. I was a bit nervous at first but we actually had a lot of fun. It was not as hard to balance as I thought and I loved being in front, in control.

Finally on my actual birthday last friday, my mom and brother came down and took us all out to lunch at Olive Garden. It was super yummy and of course we ate way too much! Then Ben took the girls and my brother home and my mom and I went shopping for the rest of the day. It was nice to have a day to spend with my mom and just a day to myself. I really needed it, thanks Ben!!!
Finally on my actual birthday last friday, my mom and brother came down and took us all out to lunch at Olive Garden. It was super yummy and of course we ate way too much! Then Ben took the girls and my brother home and my mom and I went shopping for the rest of the day. It was nice to have a day to spend with my mom and just a day to myself. I really needed it, thanks Ben!!!
Mom and Me
Pool Time
Jade is having tons of fun in her pool this summer. We have to stick with the backyard pool this year and forego the swim lessons because it is just way too hard to watch a newborn and swim with Jade at the same time. Jade has fun collecting all of her rings and going down the slide. She is a bit timid of the water this year but has fun when someone plays with her.
She is so funny, she has to throw all of her rings down the slide before she will go down herself.
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