We started off Easter weekend by dying some Easter eggs with my sister. Both Kaeli and I wanted to dye eggs and make Easter sugar cookies like we used to when we were kids. But both of our husbands are not so much in to that stuff, so we just decided to do it together with the girls.
This was Jade's first time dying eggs so Kaeli and I did the dying and she colored some eggs with her crayons! It worked perfectly and she had fun.
When she was done coloring, she got this funny look on her face, looked at my sister and said "ball," then she preceded to throw the "ball" at Kaeli. Of course the egg cracked but it was perfect because then we showed her how to peel off the shell and eat it! You can see in the picture below that she was not so happy that her "ball" cracked!
Peeling the shell...

Eating the yummy egg.

She did not really care for the yolk, she spit it out and said yuck!
Jade soon tired of just coloring eggs so we got out her new Crayola Music Maker/Coloring Pad and she went to town coloring a nice Easter picture. As usual though she had to taste the crayons and ended up coloring her high chair a lovely shade of red as well!
On Easter Jade went on a little Easter egg hunt in our backyard. She did very well and putting all of the eggs in her basket until she realized by shaking the eggs that there was something inside of them. Once that happened and one fell open, she just wanted what was inside. We finally persuaded her to find the rest of her eggs.
Then it was off to Grandma and Grandpa Wilson's house to celebrate Easter with family. There are now 5 grandkids on that side but only 3 old enough to do an Easter egg hunt. So the adults hid the eggs and goodies and the three girls had a blast finding them!
Jade made sure to carry her basket just like the older girls. It was too funny though because it got so heavy and full of stuff that Jade kept falling over, poor girl!
Once she discovered the candy inside the eggs, she hurriedly shoved it all in at once...
We normally do not let her eat so much candy, but I guess today was a special occasion...
This is basically all Kiera did the whole day, sleep, sleep, sleeping Beauty.

Jade had to pause right in the middle of her egg hunting to go for a swing. She loves to swing!

Ben's sister had given him a giant jaw breaker sucker, he decided to share it with Jade....
Grandma Wilson had made German pretzels that we helped her eat and then we enjoyed a spiritual Easter thought by Sandy and Tommy, thanks guys it was amazing!