This is one of Jade's favorite places to play, she takes out all of her books and then climbs in. However, it makes her really mad if she gets stuck and can't get out.

Another of her favorite places..."hmmm, what shall I eat today?"

"How about chocolate syrup?!"

This cute silly girl loves to watch her Baby Einstein videos, but this is how close she stands, right up in the action I guess!!

Having fun in the Provo River water with Daddy. He stuck her feet in and she did not like that, but she sure wanted to stick her hands in and splash all over, I guess that was okay!

Jade has definitely started to develop a personality all of her own lately. She wakes up each morning with a smile and usually plays in her crib for a little while until I go get her. When I go in her room she is sitting up talking to her animals, it is so sweet and cute. Then when she sees me, it is big smiles, she stands up and wants out of course. I love our time in the mornings before I go to work!
She is still gritting her bottom and top teeth together, I guess she likes the sound! But it drives me crazy, it's like the sound of nails scratching on a chalkboard! She now almost has 8 teeth! Two more on top and two more on bottom are just on the verge of popping out, any day now!
She loves playing peek-a-boo with us and with herself. It is so cute because she will cover her eyes (or usually just one eye) whenever we say "peek" or "where's Jade?" Then she gets a huge grin on her face when we "find" her. She has started putting boxes, crates, and anything she can turn upside down or crawl into on her head to play this game!
She really loves playing with her daddy. It is so cute to watch the two of them together because they just rough house and she loves it! I think she is not going to be a girly girl, she loves getting dirty and playing rough way too much! If Ben leaves the room or is not home she goes around saying, "daddy, or papa" in every room. She is an adventurous little soul. Often I find her climbing up the love sac onto the couch and then half-way standing on the couch she "jumps" and propels herself onto the love sac and then just laughs and laughs and does it again!
Jade can now say these words: mom, mama, daddy, papa, me, me, me, no-no, ruff-ruff (for the puppies), and milk (well its sounds more like me-ah, but she says it when she does the sign for milk), and she can make the sign for eat, bye-bye, more, and milk. I cannot believe how fast she picked up on them, we have been using them since she was 6 months old but I really did not expect her to use so many so soon. I love it though because I can always tell when she is really hungry because she will hit her mouth with the eat sign really fast over and over until we feed her! However, we quickly know when she is full or doesn't like what we give her to eat because she will immediately throw it all on the floor. I sweep and mop almost every day and my floor is never clean!
She is in the imitating stage and imitates everything we say and do. My favorite is when she hears people laughing, she laughs too! It is the cutest little fake laugh ever!
We sure love this sweet little girl!!!