We can’t believe Jade is already 5 months old! She looks totally different than when she was born and is definitely a lot more active! Below you will see a video of her making her new found sound! She does this sound day and night, basically anytime you pick her up. She does it in church and even while she is eating…
We put her in the hanging bouncer for the first time. She didn’t quite get what to do at first and just kind of stood there.
But now as you can see she has mastered the art of bouncing! It sure didn’t take her long. These videos were taken about four days apart! Jade is such a quick learner. Sometimes she will just sit there and observe everything we do as quiet as can be and then the next thing we know she is trying it.
What's Going On?
Friday, January 29, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Grandpa Revelli, Do you think I am ready to play?
Friday, January 22, 2010
Pictures, Pictures, Pictures
Attack of the Sock Monkey!! She got this from Great Grandpa and Grandma Watson for Christmas and just absolutely loves it. She doesn't quite know what to do with it other than gnaw on it!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Here were her stats at her 4 month Doctor checkup:
weight: 16 lbs. 5 oz
height: 26 ¾ in.
She was in the 98th percentile for both!
Now that she is 5 months old I am quite sure she is over 18 lbs, probably approaching 20! She is so heavy that every time I carry her around I get quite the arm workout! Sometimes I sit and wonder as I look at her: where did my little girl go? She is growing and changing so rapidly. I miss the days of her not being able to move and when she would just cuddle up on my chest and sleep. She is now on to bigger adventures and soon will be mobile! Watch out world, here comes Jade!
Some other milestones for Jade this month are:
She rolled over for the first time on Christmas Eve and has gotten better at it ever since. She only rolls one way on one side and gets frustrated when she tries the other way. She can only roll from back to front so far. Once she gets on her tummy though she only lasts a little while and then gets frustrated because she cannot do much and she cannot move so basically all she does is bat at toys with her arms. I can tell when she is really done because she eats her play mat and grunts until someone turns her over or picks her up.
She can hold her head at a 90 + degree angle when she is on her belly.
She can make raspberry sounds with her mouth and has mastered the art of drooling!
She scoots a little to each side when she is on her back or tummy. In fact, today after her morning nap I found her turned completely sideways, wedged up against the head of her crib. She didn’t like that because she couldn’t figure out how to get her arm out from under her and was stuck!
She eats about every 3 ½ to 4 hours and takes 3-4 naps a day. She is still not sleeping all the way through the night, but we are working on that.
Our Growing Girl
The time has come for us to start this blog so that grandparents, family, and friends can keep up with our little girl. She is growing so fast lately that we can hardly keep up with her. The reason behind us naming our site jadee lady is because she is just that, our little lady! Ever since she was born we have called her Miss Jadee Lady. This is in part, due to the fact, because of our love to collect the Little Miss books. They teach such great lessons, and even before she was born we had started collecting all of them. In fact, Ben has even started writing his own Little Miss Jade book detailing the events of her life so far.
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